
Python Code to Analyze Network Latency Using Packet Capture Between Precisely Synchronized Nodes.

Primary LanguagePythonThe UnlicenseUnlicense


Python Code to Analyze Network Latency Using Packet Capture Between Precisely Synchronized Nodes.

To use the code some python3 and some python3 packages are required.To install required packages run:

pip3 install -r requirements.txt

to analyze the pcaps e.g., sender.pcap and receiver.pcap generated from nodes having IP addresses and respectively run the following command:

python3 analyze.py -sp sender.pcap -rp receiver.pcap -hy log -n experiment_1 -sip -rip

The code will generate histogram of latencies (in miliseconds).

Script help is available with -h flag.

python3 analyze.py -h
optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --sender_pcap SENDER_PCAP, -sp SENDER_PCAP
                        Pcap from the node sending traffic.
  --receiver_pcap RECEIVER_PCAP, -rp RECEIVER_PCAP
                        Pcap from the node receiving traffic.
  --sender_ip SENDER_IP, -sip SENDER_IP
                        IP address of the sender node.
  --receiver_ip RECEIVER_IP, -rip RECEIVER_IP
                        IP address of the receiver node.
  --dest_port DEST_PORT, -dp DEST_PORT
                        Listening server port, in case of iperf3 5201.
  --name NAME, -n NAME  Name of the experiment to generate graphs with that
                        name for distiction.
  --hist_filename HIST_FILENAME, -hf HIST_FILENAME
                        File name to save histogram of packet delays. E.g.,
  --pdf_filename PDF_FILENAME, -pf PDF_FILENAME
                        File name to save pdf graph. E.g., pdf.jpg
  --cdf_filename CDF_FILENAME, -cf CDF_FILENAME
                        File name to save cdf graph. E.g., cdf.jpg
  --pdf_cdf_filename PDF_CDF_FILENAME, -pcf PDF_CDF_FILENAME
                        File name to save pdf-cdf graph. E.g., pdf-cdf.jpg
  --bins BINS, -bn BINS
                        Number of bins for drawing histogram/pdf/cdf.
  --hist_yscale {linear,log,symlog,logit}, -hy {linear,log,symlog,logit}
                        Histogram Y-Scale,
  --pcaps_dir PCAPS_DIR, -pd PCAPS_DIR
                        Directory name containing pcaps.
  --graphs_dir GRAPHS_DIR, -gd GRAPHS_DIR