SSLCOMMERZ-Online Payment Gateway For Bangladesh

Primary LanguagePHP


SSLCOMMERZ-Online Payment Gateway For Bangladesh

The module for receiving Payments from Bangladesh through SSLCommerz.com for opencart V2.2.0 (Guids)

Unzip Downloaded File Named SSLCOMMERZ_OPENCART_2.2.0.zip in a Folder.

Upload Folder Name catalog and admin to the Root of you server where your opencart installed.

Copy the contents of this package to your opencart installation keeping the folder structure.

Overwrite files/folders as necessary (no core opencart files will be overwritten)

Login to the Open Cart admin section and go to Extensions > Payments

Find sslcommerz V3 or find the logo of sslcommerz in the list of extensions

Click "Install" and then "Edit" the payment module settings

Add * Stroe ID and Validation password : Provided By sslcommerz.com

Do a test transaction

Note : For Sandbox Mode You Must Input Test Creadentials of SSLCommerz. And for Live You Must input Live Credentials form SSLCommerz

Payment page: http://www.yourdomain.gr/index.php?route=checkout/checkout

Author : http://www.jmredwan.com/

Modules in Opencart Extention : http://www.opencart.com/index.php?route=extension/extension/info&token=8a9da785e88064e4967b783e11005bef&extension_id=26629

More info: https://www.sslcommerz.com