

Primary LanguagePython

Kmeans python pyspark

directory tree
├── run_kmeans.py
├── requirment.txt
├── README.md
├── output
│   ├── summaries
│   │   ├── kmeans2
│   │   │   ├── summery2.txt
│   │   │   └── input_data2.txt
│   │   └── kmeans1
│   │       ├── summery1.txt
│   │       └── input_data1.txt
│   └── plots
│       ├── Wkmeans2.png
│       └── Wkmeans1.png
├── Kmeans
│   ├── K_means.py
│   └── __init__.py
├── data
│   └── data_128000_8_25_2noshuffle
└── conf
    ├── spark_start.py
    └── __init__.py

Automated Testing

In order to test with Spark, we use the pyspark Python package, which is bundled with the Spark JARs required to programmatically start-up and tear-down a local Spark instance, on a per-test-suite basis (we recommend using the setUp and tearDown methods in unittest.TestCase to do this once per test-suite). Note, that using pyspark to run Spark is an alternative way of developing with Spark as opposed to using the PySpark shell or spark-submit.

Given that we have chosen to structure our ETL jobs in such a way as to isolate the 'Transformation' step into its own function (see 'Structure of an ETL job' above), we are free to feed it a small slice of 'real-world' production data that has been persisted locally - e.g. in tests/test_data or some easily accessible network directory - and check it against known results (e.g. computed manually or interactively within a Python interactive console session).

To execute the example unit test for this project run,

pipenv run python -m unittest tests/test_*.py

install pyspark

download with command

wget https://downloads.apache.org/spark/spark-3.0.1/spark-3.0.1-bin-hadoop2.7.tgz

Tar file

tar -xvzf spark-*

move to /opt/

mv spark-3.0.1-bin-hadoop2.7/ /opt/spark
.profile config
root@ubuntu1804:~# echo "export SPARK_HOME=/opt/spark" >> ~/.profile

root@ubuntu1804:~# echo "export PATH=$PATH:/opt/spark/bin:/opt/spark/sbin" >> ~/.profile

root@ubuntu1804:~# echo "export PYSPARK_PYTHON=/usr/bin/python3" >> ~/.profile

source ~/.profile

.bashrc config

export SPARK_HOME=/opt/spark
export PYSPARK_PYTHON=python3.8

config PYCHARM

create new project with python3.8 for example and pip env

follow path -> edit configurations -> environment variables and specific SPARK_HOME adn PYTHONPATH py4j

 SPARK_HOME =/opt/spark;PYTHONPATH=/opt/spark/python/lib/py4j-0.10.9-src.zip

pip intstall requirment.txt

pip install pyspark

In cluster job run master for manage and slave fo UI support ./start-master.sh -h -p 8080 ./start-slave.sh spark://

SPARK_MASTER = 'spark://'

The written code has items that are read in a range of 1000 from the file and a kmeans step is applied Each item with the kmeans ++ method Is selected.

The center of each cluster is considered as a property and merges with a thousand other points, of which another thousand points weigh 1 and their prediction is null. The previous step is repeated in the same way.

kmeans = KMeans(k=50, maxIter=1, featuresCol='features', initSteps=3, weightCol='weight')

def setParams(self, featuresCol="features", predictionCol="prediction", k=2,
                  initMode="k-means||", initSteps=2, tol=1e-4, maxIter=20, seed=None,
                  distanceMeasure="euclidean", weightCol=None):

initMode="k-means|| => Kmmeans ++

weightCol='weight' set weight column

* Get the cluster centers, represented as a list of NumPy arrays sorted by prediction
    kmm = kmeans.fit(vector)
    centers = kmm.clusterCenters()

we have one dataframe with prediction column and weight we must know prediction cluster center so change to dataframe cluster centers array

dcenters = [e.tolist() for e in centers] dfcenters = sc.parallelize(dcenters).toDF([])

now we merge perdiction dataframe so we have for each cluster center prediction and weight.

# +--------------------+----------+------+------+
# | clusterCenters array ----->  features | id
# +--------------------+----------+------+------+

makedataframe: Converts any multidimensional data to a custom data frame regardless of the number of items.

def makedataframe(dataframe):
    items = rowsplit(dataframe)
    for item in range(0, items):
        dataframe = dataframe.withColumn('f_{}'.format(item), split(dataframe.value, ' ').getItem(item).cast('double'))

vectorModel: We convert all created columns, each of which is a dimension of our point, into a property features

def vectorModel(items):
    mylist = []
    for item in range(0, items):
        col = "f_{}".format(item)
    # print('list = ' + mylist.__str__())
    vecAssembler = VectorAssembler(inputCols=mylist, outputCol="features")
    return vecAssembler

merge Previous  Kmeans centers with more weight to next vectors

customUnion(vector, result)