
A (previously) simple pyhton programm to set up a local dev environment for the The-Microservice-Dungeon

#Table of content


  • Python 3
  • Docker
  • Docker Compose
  • pyyaml
    • pip3 install pyyaml


This tool helps to create and run a local development environment. In the default setting the tool will download the newest images of the dungeon repos. To exclude your service please edit the env_setup_default.yml. It will also be possible to create a custom dev environment, but since this feature is still experimental, it will not be described. You can always display the help with python3 -h


  • python3 [OPTION]
Option Argument Effect
-i initializes the local dev environment
-r runs the environment
-s stops the environment
-d deletes all local images and networks
-u updates the environment
-p [run or include] runs or includes the local player service
-u updates all docker images
-h display help


  • python3 -i always needs to be run before -r
  • Before running -p, you need to manually create a directory ./classes/player_configs. It will not be persisted, there is an entry in .gitignore.
  • python3 -d will display an error message like: Error: No such image: confluentinc/cp-zookeeper. This is caused by the deletition method and can be safely ignored.