
Setting up infrastructure using Ansible, Vagrant, ...

Ansible + vagrant multi-machine

This is learning project to set up an infrastructure running:

1 load balancer,
2 Application / Web Servers
2 Database Servers

Intention of the project

The intent is to mimic the provissioning and management of a production server for practive.

So why 5 guest machines? Okay, this is what I want to do:

- Set up 2 servers to run applications / web at the same time. More like a production system.
- Set up 2 DB servers. Run 1 as primary OLTP and run the other as reporting with replication between them.
- Set up a load balancer to share the traffic between the 2 application servers.

I intend to use Ansible as my configuration management tool to practice and work with the 5 nodes. Will also use ansible to do the provisioning

Details of the infrastructure

OS Details:

CentOS 7.2

NODES with IP details. lbcer dev01 dev02 db01 db02

Tools in use.

Vagrant Version - Vagrant 1.9.3
Virtual Machine - VirtualBox

Next ... ?

Will update the README doc as I go along.