
A script which adds the result of dice rolls and plots the distribution curve

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Dice Roll Distrubution


A Jupyter Notebook that randomly generates values for die_count dice with die_sides amount of sides iterations times and finds the sum. The distribution is then plotted with a bar chart using Matplotlib


2 6-sixed dice, 100000 times     3 5-sixed dice, 50000 times     4 4-sixed dice, 20000 times


  • Number of dice - die_count
  • Sides on each dice - die_sides
  • Number of trials - iterations


  • Make graph height adapt to largest value rather than iterations/(die_sides/die_count*1.5)
  • Adjust graph and bar width for larger die_count and die_sides values
  • Make y-axis percentages


Created by Nasser Kessas


PRs accepted, feel free to dive in! Open an issue or submit PRs.

Dice Roll Distribution follows the Contributor Covenant Code of Conduct.