
Had difficulties implementing Coroutines per this site http://unitypatterns.com/introduction-to-coroutines/

Primary LanguageC#


Had difficulties implementing Coroutines per this site http://unitypatterns.com/introduction-to-coroutines/ Can see the code with syntax highlighting here


I can't figure out the cause of the problem. I've tried restarting Unity and rebooting my PC. I've tried passing string and method names. Nothing ever changes. I'm always consistently getting either 1 Hello when yield comes before Debug.Log, and 2 Hellos when yield comes after. Any ideas??? I literally only put this online to ask this question here. I really think I need to have Coroutines work properly, I don't know what the source of the problem is.

readme image non-functioning output, only shows once/twice

readme image working output

readme image code


Unity 4.3.4