
Primary LanguageJavaScript

Paper Sketches Animation

paper sketches animation

  • Sketch #1: Rankings & Route Picker Map

    • Rankings: integration with some of ranking service APIs, extensibility optional column.
    • Google Maps integration: allowing preview and embedded selection of mode of transport.
  • Sketch #2: Distances & Desired Ordering

    • single page view listing exhaustively all company travel times based on selected mode of transport unique to each company.
    • emphasis on company for easy identifier, and on draggable interface.
  • Sketch #3: Categorical ordering

    • ability to create and name categories as desired.
    • can drag line items dragging between different tables. key feature.

business rules ("user stories")


  • a person can "add a company" to an "aspect page" by typing at minimum a name (mandatory), optionally setting uploading a logo**A (optional), and typing a singular standard-formatted address. [emphasizes: form, http, db]
  • a person can "customize the order of companies listed on the aspect page" (to indicate preference) [empahsizes ui, minor db]
  • a person can "remove a company from an aspect page" but still "keep a record" of that company in the "companies page" to easily add later.
  • a person can "permanently remove a company from the companies page" (removing from the database)

**A- long-term, need a protection mechanism against abuse such as uploading of inappropriate images.

future version: **- general concern for SQL injection attacks with free-form entry TBD. ir

table structure

  • root table [purpose] {important configuration}
    • columns (datatype) **#- actionable investigatable idea / business rule / detail to resolve in design before implementation continues


  • companies {freezeTableName: true}

    • compId
    • name
    • logo (stored as binary at an auto assigned size)**1
    • address**5
  • aspects**6

    • aspectId
    • position (integer) [changed by manually dragging often by 3-vertical bar handle in UI]
    • compId (fk)
    • groupId (fk)
    • view compId

    • view name

    • view logo

    • view address

groups - groupId - name [freefield text entry, bold/italic support]


  • ratings **3

    • ratId
    • rating source = google, glassdoor, etc.
  • communications [many instances]**2

    • commId
    • commTypes = call, email, meet, ... other
    • details [~large textbox field]
  • views [dynamically allow any column set]

    • ??

      • sample dynamic set
        • logo
        • name
        • address
        • rating A
        • rating B...
        • map
        • distance calculation**4

**1- investigate possibility of storing blob? data directly in-table instead of interoperating with a static directory resource (i find that distasteful that ... "rigid dependency coupling"). **2- to be viewed in a long conversation stream, back and forth, perhaps like messenger etc, with slight styling tilt on each "side". **3- possibly dynamically updating **4- default first result by google? **5- mvp rules out of scope for now: later, consider how to store m# of addresses? ... **6- query returns all selected company fields via fk. possibly have aspect & aspect_view, or something.

cheat sheet sequelize commands

  • node_modules/.bin/sequelize model:create --name Organization --attributes 'orgId:integer orgName:string orgAddress:string'

    • success
  • node_modules/.bin/sequelize seed:generate --name demo-organization

    • well. okay. it works.
    • it just generates an empty boilerplate that you fill in manually anyways
    • i think i imagined the CLI was able to do too much. okay cool.


/GET  companies

view exhaustive list of all companies tracked (ordered)

/GET  aspects

view raw list of user-managed "aspects" (with their subset tables) (ordered within each table)

/POST companies

set 1 new company name (mandatory), with logo picture [optional], address text [optional]


/POST aspects?company=XYZ&?position=123&table=ABC

keep root simple, dump all other parameters into && fields.

not preferred:

/POST aspects/tables/companies?position=123
/POST aspects?company=XYZ&?position=123
/POST aspects/tables/

(last one: possibly used to create an named aspect (table) alone)