MVC web app

Followed the Create an MVC web app from Microsoft, using ASP.NET Core 1.x.

  • Added controllers, views, models.
  • Worked with SQL Server LocalDB (sqlite).
  • Razor & ASP (views).

Next step actionables:

  • Search, validation
  • Attempt using another RDBMS, like MySQL for example.

Terminology encountered:

Tools used:

  • Visual Studio 2017
  • ReSharper extension by JetBrains


GET  /HelloWorld
GET  /HelloWorld/Welcome
GET  /Home
GET  /Home/About
GET  /Home/Contact
GET  /Movies
GET  /Movies/Details/4

Differences Observations Comparing with Nodejs

RESTful API comparison: MvcMovie against Wave Challenge

Nodejs / JavaScript / Express / Webstorm versus C# / Visual Studio
  • Disallowed editing code when running in Visual Studio.

  • Uses underlying IIS Express system (native to Microsoft platforms).

  • Model is defined here in mere simple POCO, with attributes (decorator function) (Those square brackets used above properties, etc)

    [DisplayFormat(DataFormatString = "{0:yyyy-MM-dd}", ApplyFormatInEditMode = true)] public DateTime ReleaseDate { get; set; } public string Genre { get; set; }

  • Yet there, extra properties were nestable in true JavaScript fashion.

    name: { type: DataTypes.STRING, unique: true }, address: DataTypes.STRING

  • Bulk of contents one folder deeper, e.g. cs-MvcMovie\MvcMovie.

  • Database setup has handled internally within the IDE for VS (exemplifying Microsoft's all-in-solutioning theme), whereas with Nodejs you get nothing. At least you got nothing in the case of JetBrains, and I suspect is probably true for VS Code, Atom, and all the other competitors (which would be consistent with "the web's" diversified model, as in no vendor seems to take on universal responsibility for the entirity of the whole web stack tech web usually).

  • To run concurrent IDE instances, in JetBrains simply opening another project asks you whether you want it in This window or a New window, whereas Microsoft replaces the current project as normal. (Multi-instances accomplished by separately open another instance of VS outside from Windows).

Actionables Now:

  • in /Movies/Edit/4 and /Movies/Delete/4 use POSTMAN to trace HTTP Request type.
  • Particularly in the second case with Delete consider what the API would look like, both before and after deletion.

Actionables Next Time:

  • To understand better concept of Solution / Project in VS.
  • Get VS Team Explorer to play nicely with GitHub.
  • Explore multi-line editing extension for VS, doesn't seem natively supported on cursory glance.
  • What meaningful values do the JSON files affect: bower.json, appsettings.json, bundleconfig.json?
  • Appreciating the substantial differences between the various "web" projects that VS can create: .NET CORE, .NET Standard, WCF, Web etc...
  • Understand how VS prefers to manage files outside it's solution folder, such as in the parent project folder.