
This git repo is a basic tutorial/example/sample for php/composer/psr-4.

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PHP Composer PSR-4 Basic

I had struggled to find basic example of php/composer/psr-4. Almost all example's have some kind of npm based frameworks. I wanted to create a basic tutorial using composer autoloader.

I hope this basic tutorial will be helpful to you to get started.

You can clone this git repository or follow along the below steps.

composer init
  • update composer.json by adding following lines:
"autoload": {
    "psr-4": {
        "App\\": "app/"
  • update composer
composer update
  • forward slash / signifies your project folder, not system root

  • create file /app/bootstrap.php and add following code in the file

    define('BASEPATH', __DIR__);
    $autoloader = require __DIR__ . '/../vendor/autoload.php';
    // https://phpocean.com/tutorials/back-end/php-frameworking-routing-autoloading-configuration-part-2/10
    $router = new App\Providers\Router();
  • create file /app/routes.php and add following code in the file
   $controller = new App\Http\Controllers\HomeController();
   echo $controller->show();

$router->add('/hello',function() use ($router){
    echo $router->view_display('hello.php');
  • create file /app/Http/Controllers/HomeController.php and add following code in the file
namespace App\Http\Controllers;
use App\Providers\Router;
class HomeController
    public function __construct()

    public function show()
        $router = new Router();

        return $router->view_display('home.php');
        //return "Hello World!";
  • create file /app/Providers/Router.php and add following code in the file
namespace App\Providers;

class Router
	private $routes = [];
	private $notFound;

	public function __construct()
		$this->notFound = function ($url) {
			echo "404 - $url was not found!";

	public function add($url, $action)
		$this->routes[$url] = $action;

	public function setNotFound($action)
		$this->notFound = $action;

	public function dispatch()
		if ( ! is_array($this->routes) || empty($this->routes))
			return false;

		foreach ($this->routes as $url => $action)
			if ($url == $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'])
				return $action();
		call_user_func_array($this->notFound, [$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']]);

	public function view_load($view_path, $view_name)
		if (file_exists($view_path . $view_name))
			return file_get_contents($view_path . $view_name);
		throw new Exception("View does not exist: " . $view_path . $view_name);

	public function view_display($view_name)
		$view_path = BASEPATH . '/../resources/views/';

		return $this->view_load($view_path, $view_name);
  • create file /public/index.php and add following code in the file
require '../app/bootstrap.php';
require '../app/routes.php';

  • run the composer command to generate autoload references
composer dumpautoload -o
  • if all is well, test the web site
php -S localhost:8080 -t public/

Appreciate if you mark the git repository with a star if this has been helpful or userful to you.

Checkout Modernize Your Legacy PHP Application for dependency injection concept.

My Blog @ WasaySyed.com

Previous releases: Version 1 on Mar 5, 2018

  • Version 1 does not have routes and views implemented.