next step is to follow this tutorial:

I've imported Bootstrap 4

I need to reorganize the application according to the flask tutorial.

Then I'm setting up a sqlite database.

The reason is to save sample data which I will display when the user clicks on tabbed navigation.

Create a template to render the response from the database. This will be the budget categories and values.

  1. How to model the data? Can I do this in a funcitonal way? I just grab a map? Nah, cause each month owns it's own categories and values. They can vary from month to month.

I need to carry over last month's balance. I want to sum up each month's savings and spend, so a user can see how much she's spent over the year as well as how much she's saved. I also want to display amounts for different categories.

possible data model: User Budget Year Month Savings -> the carry over from last month (positive or negative) Category (an entry in your budget) Value (how much you budget for the month)

query -> give me the budget for 2018 fetch all the months months fetch their categories (which have a name and a dollar value)

Can I auto-populate categories? Yes, I definitely want to do this. But then they will be user editable. Plus, a user can add or remove categories in each month.