
Utilities and scripts that use the NMC API for operations and reporting.

Primary LanguagePowerShellMIT LicenseMIT


Utilities and scripts that use the NMC API to perform operations and generate reports

Support Statement

  • These scripts have been validated with the PowerShell and Nasuni versions documented in the README file.

  • Nasuni Support is limited to the underlying APIs used by the scripts.

  • Nasuni API and Protocol bugs or feature requests should be communicated to Nasuni Customer Success.

  • GitHub project to-do's, bugs, and feature requests should be submitted as “Issues” in GitHub under its repositories.

PowerShell REST API Basics

These NMC API PowerShell scripts provide the building blocks for interacting with the NMC API.

Authentication and Access

Accessing the NMC API requires a user who is a member of an NMC group that has the "Enable NMC API Access" permission enabled. API users must also have the corresponding NMC permission for the action that they are performing. For example, setting folder quotas with the NMC API requires the "Manage Folder Quotas" NMC permission. Users must first authenticate to the NMC to obtain a token, and then can use that token to access subsequent API endpoints.

Both native and domain accounts are supported for NMC API authentication (SSO accounts are not supported using the NMC API). Domain account usernames should be formatted as a UPN (username@emailaddress) for the best compatibility with PowerShell and Bash syntax.

Request a Token

This is a simple script to validate NMC API connectivity and obtain a token that can be used with other NMC API endpoints. The script writes the token to the console if execution is successful and outputs the token to the path specified in the tokenFile variable to be used for authentication for subsequent scripts. Be sure to use single rather than double quotes when entering the password since passwords may contain special characters that need to be treated literally by PowerShell.
Required Inputs: NMC hostname, username, password, tokenFile
Compatibility: Nasuni 7.10 or higher required
Name: /API_Basics/GetToken.ps1

Request a Token - Prompt for Credentials

It works the same way as the "Request a Token" script but prompts the user for credentials using PowerShell's Get-Credential cmdlet rather than relying on hardcoded credentials in the script.
Required Inputs: NMC hostname, tokenFile
Compatibility: Nasuni 7.10 or higher required
Name: /API_Basics/GetTokenCredPrompt.ps1

Better Error Handling

PowerShell's Invoke-RestMethod cmdlet only includes basic error handling by default, returning messages such as "400 Error Bad Request", while suppressing the full error message from the API endpoint. Fortunately, there is a way to get verbose error messages by using try/catch with Invoke-RestMethod and calling a function in case of an error. PowerShell 6+ and PowerShell core support a newer method for error handling, while older versions of PowerShell require GetResponseStream to capture errors. This script checks the PowerShell version to determine which method to use.

The code snippet below can be used as an example for modifying the PowerShell code examples. You should add the function (lines 1-13) to your script before referencing it since functions must be defined before calling them in PowerShell. Line 15 of this script is an example of using try/catch with a command and should not be directly copied to your script since the variable names will not match. Instead, modify the Invoke-RestMethod line of the script that you would like to get better errors for by adding "try" and the matching open and close curly braces followed by the "catch" command and "Failure" within curly braces.
Name: /API_Basics/BetterErrorHandling.ps1

Allow Untrusted SSL Certificates

A valid SSL certificate for the NMC is a best practice, but test/dev or new environments might not have a valid SSL certificate. Fortunately, there's a way to skip SSL certificate checks, which is included in most of our PowerShell examples. You can remove this code block from the provided examples if you have a valid SSL certificate for your NMC.

If you are using PowerShell 6 or higher, the Invoke-RestMethod cmdlet natively includes a “-SkipCertificateCheck” option, and this script changes the default for the Invoke-RestMethod cmdlet to skip certificate checks. Versions of PowerShell before version 6 and PowerShell core do not support a “-SkipCertificateCheck” option and must rely on the .Net subsystem to disable certificate checks.
Name: /API_Basics/AllowUntrustedSSLCerts.ps1

Avoid NMC API Throttling

Beginning with version 8.5, NMC API endpoints are throttled to preserve NMC performance and stability. NMC API endpoints are generally limited to 5 requests per second for "Get" actions and 1 request per second for "Post", "Update", or "Delete" actions. Nasuni recommends adding "sleep" or "wait" steps to existing API integrations to avoid exceeding the throttling defaults. The PowerShell Start-Sleep cmdlet can be used inside of your scripts to limit the speed of PowerShell Execution and to avoid throttling limits. For example, this command will pause execution for 1.1 seconds:

Start-Sleep -s 1.1


PowerShell Version Requirements

Most scripts support the bundled version of PowerShell that comes with Windows (5.1). Some scripts require functionality that is only available with PowerShell 7 (free download for Windows, Mac, and Linux). If you encounter one of the following errors, switch to PowerShell 7:

ConvertFrom-Json : A parameter cannot be found that matches parameter name 'Depth'
Invoke-RestMethod : A parameter cannot be found that matches parameter name 'SkipCertificateCheck'
Invoke-WebRequest : A parameter cannot be found that matches parameter name 'Form'

Nasuni Version Troubleshooting

Some NMC API endpoints require a specific NMC or Edge Appliance version, and if the request is made to the NMC, the NMC API endpoint will return a message such as:

Current filer version does not support this type of request. Please update your Edge Appliance to use this feature.

If the Edge Appliance version and NMC match what is documented for the NMC API endpoint and the error is still returned, it's possible that Edge Appliances were updated before upgrading the NMC. If this were to occur, the configurations that the Edge Appliances sent to the NMC would have contained information that the NMC couldn't process, causing the NMC to think the Edge Appliance doesn't meet the version criteria for the particular NMC API endpoint. The fix for this is to have the Edge Appliances resend their configurations once the NMC runs the current version–the "Refresh Managed Filers" button on the NMC overview page will do this.

TLS Handshake Failure

Beginning with NMC version 22.3, insecure ephemeral Diffie-Hellman ciphers PowerShell uses on older Windows OS versions (Server 2012R2 and older) are disabled. Callers impacted by the change could see the following error messages: TLS handshake failure or The request was aborted: Could not create SSL/TLS secure channel. Upgrade to a supported Windows version (Server 2016, Windows 10, or newer) to resolve the issue. Contact Nasuni Customer Support and reference internal KB11989 to have insecure ciphers re-enabled for your NMC if needed to support older Windows versions. Linux and macOS PowerShell versions are not impacted.

PowerShell Tools

Windows includes built-in tools for PowerShell editing and testing, and there is also a good cross-platform, Microsoft-provided option for code editing with native support for PowerShell.

  • Visual Studio Code (Windows, macOS, Linux) has native support for PowerShell editing and is both free and built on open source.

  • PowerShell ISE is part of the Windows server and client (not recommended since it does not support PowerShell 7).

Access Points

PowerShell NMC API Scripts for working with access points. Access points include SMB (CIFS) Shares, NFS Exports, and FTP Directories.

SMB (CIFS) Shares

Shares support a long list of configuration parameters in the UI and API. The following table provides a mapping between API and UI names and a description for each item.

API Name UI Name Description Required Default Allowed Values
filer_serial_number Filer Filer where the share will be created. Yes
volume_guid Volume Volume where the share will created. Yes none
path Folder Path to the folder within the volume. Use two "\\" rather than one to separate directories in a path. The path must already exist. Yes none
comment Comment Share comment No none
readonly Read Only When enabled, users cannot change the share contents. No false true, false
browseable Visible Share When enabled, this share will appear when browsing. No true true, false
authall Authentication Authenticate (Allow) All Users share permission. If authentication for only specified Users and Groups is selected (authall=false), no users will have access to the share until a user, or a group the user is a member of, is added below. No true true, false
ROUsers Read-Only Users Users with read-only access to the share. No none
ROGroups Read-Only Groups Groups with read-only access to the share. No none
RWUsers Read-Write Users Users with read-write access to the share. No none
RWGroups Read-Write Groups Groups with read-write access to the share. No none
hosts_allow Allowed Hosts Specify a list of allowed hosts. Null value for no restrictions. No none
hide_unreadable Hide Unreadable Files Hide unreadable folders and files. No true true, false
enable_previous_vers Enable Previous Versions Enable Windows Previous Versions support. No false true, false
case_sensitive Case-Sensitive Paths Enable case sensitivity for the share. No false true, false
enable_snapshot_dirs Enable Snapshot Directories Enable snapshot directories. No false true, false
homedir_support User Folders Support Enable home directory access. No 0 (disabled), 1 (enabled)
aio_enabled Enable Asynchronous I/O Enable Asynchronous I/O. Allows concurrent read/write access per client connection to improve performance. No true true, false
veto_files Block Files Pattern of files to block. Files and directories matching the pattern will be made invisible and inaccessible. No blank (none)
fruit_enabled Enhanced Support for Mac OS X Enable Enhanced Support for Mac OS X Clients. No false true, false
smb_encrypt SMB Encryption Control SMB Encryption requirements for clients. No blank - optional optional, desired, required
agl_oplocks Enable Oplocks for Advanced Global Locking Level 2 (or shared) oplocks indicate multiple stream readers and no writers. This supports client read caching and can accelerate some applications. Only applies to 9.12+ NEAs using Advanced Global File Lock. No true true, false
mobile Sync and Mobile Access Enable Mobile Access for the share. Required for the Nasuni Data API. No false true, false
browser_access Web Access Enable Web Access for the share. No false true, false
shared_links_enabled Web Access: Enable Shared Links Allow creating shared links to Web Access. No false true, false
link_force_password Web Access: Require Password Require passwords for all shared links. No true true, false
link_allow_rw Web Access: Allow Writeable Shared Links to Directories Allow creating links with write access. No false true, false
external_share_url Web Access: External Hostname Optionally specify an external hostname for shared links. No false true, false
link_expire_limit Web Access: Maximum Expiration Maximum number of days until shared links expire. Set to 0 for unlimited. No 30 Number of days
link_auth.authall Web Access: Shared Link Permissions: Allow all Users and Groups Allow all users to create shared links. No true true, false
link_auth.allow_groups_ro Web Access: Shared Link Permissions: RO Groups Groups allowed to create Read Only links. No none
link_auth.allow_groups_rw Web Access: Shared Link Permissions: RW Groups Groups allowed to create Read Write links. No none
link_auth.deny_groups Web Access: Shared Link Permissions: Deny Groups Groups denied from creating links. No none
link_auth.allow_users_ro Web Access: Shared Link Permissions: RO Users Users allowed to create Read Only links. No none
link_auth.allow_users_rw Web Access: Shared Link Permissions: RW Users Users allowed to create Read Write links. No none
link_auth.deny_users Web Access: Shared Link Permissions: Deny Users Users denied from creating links. No none

Create a Share

Uses PowerShell to create a share by referencing an existing volume, Edge Appliance, and path. Useful as an example of how shares can be created using PowerShell.
Required Inputs: NMC hostname, tokenFile, filer_serial, volume_guid, ShareName, Path (the path must already exist or create share will return a sync error)
Compatibility: Nasuni 8.0 or higher required
Optional Inputs: comment, readonly, browseable (visible), auth, ro_users, ro_groups, rw_users, rw_groups, hosts_allow, hide_unreadable (access based enumeration, enable_previous_vers, case_sensitive, enable_snapshot_dirs, homedir_support, mobile, browser_access, aio_enabled, veto_files, fruit_enabled, smb_encrypt
Name: /Access_Points/Shares/CreateShare.ps1

Export All Shares and Settings to CSV

Uses PowerShell to export a list of all shares and configured share settings to a CSV.
Required Inputs: NMC hostname, tokenFile, reportFile, limit (preset to 1000 shares, but can be increased)
Notes: To preserve the formatting for share containing special characters, use the import function in Excel and specify the "Unicode (UTF-8)" file origin rather than directly opening the file.
Output CSV content: shareid,volume_guid,volume_name,filer_serial_number,filer_name,share_name,path,comment,readonly,browseable,authAuthall,authRo_users,authRw_users,authDeny_users,authRo_groups,authRw_groups,authDeny_groups,hosts_allow,hide_unreadable,enable_previous_vers,case_sensitive,enable_snapshot_dirs,homedir_support,mobile,browser_access,aio_enabled,veto_files,fruit_enabled,smb_encrypt,shared_links_enabled,link_force_password,link_allow_rw,external_share_url,link_expire_limit,link_authAuthall,link_authAllow_groups_ro,link_authAllow_groups_rw,link_authDeny_groups,link_authAllow_users_ro,link_authAllow_users_rw,link_authDeny_users
Compatibility: Nasuni 7.10 or higher required; Required PowerShell Version: 7.0 or higher.
Name: /Access_Points/Shares/ExportAllSharesToCSV.ps1

Export Filtered List of Shares CSV

Uses PowerShell to export a filtered list of shares and settings to a CSV.
Required Inputs: NMC hostname, tokenFile, reportFile, filer_serial, volume_guid, limit (preset to 1000 shares, but can be increased)
Output CSV content: shareid,volume_guid,volume_name,filer_serial_number,filer_name,share_name,path,comment,readonly,browseable,authAuthall,authRo_users,authRw_users,authDeny_users,authRo_groups,authRw_groups,authDeny_groups,hosts_allow,hide_unreadable,enable_previous_vers,case_sensitive,enable_snapshot_dirs,homedir_support,mobile,browser_access,aio_enabled,veto_files,fruit_enabled,smb_encrypt,shared_links_enabled,link_force_password,link_allow_rw,external_share_url,link_expire_limit,link_authAuthall,link_authAllow_groups_ro,link_authAllow_groups_rw,link_authDeny_groups,link_authAllow_users_ro,link_authAllow_users_rw,link_authDeny_users
Compatibility: Nasuni 7.10 or higher required; Required PowerShell Version: 7.0 or higher.
Name: /Access_Points/Shares/ExportFilteredSharesToCSV.ps1

Bulk Share Creation

These scripts demonstrate how shares can be created, exported, and subsequently updated. The scripts use CSV files for Input and output.
Compatibility: Nasuni 8.0 or higher required; Required PowerShell Version: 7.0 or higher.

Step 1 - Create Shares From CSV

Uses CSV input to create shares. We recommend manually creating several shares along with desired settings and then use the ExportAllSharesToCSV.ps1 script to output a CSV. Use the exported CSV as a template for creating additional shares. The shareid, filer_name, volume_name columns are ignored during import but must be present. If more than one user or group is present for a share permissions element, separate them with semicolons. Domain group or usernames should use this format: DOMAIN\sAMAccountName.
CSV Contents: shareid,volume_guid,volume_name,filer_serial_number,filer_name,share_name,path,comment,readonly,browseable,authAuthall,authRo_users,authRw_users,authDeny_users,authRo_groups,authRw_groups,authDeny_groups,hosts_allow,hide_unreadable,enable_previous_vers,case_sensitive,enable_snapshot_dirs,homedir_support,mobile,browser_access,aio_enabled,veto_files,fruit_enabled,smb_encrypt,shared_links_enabled,link_force_password,link_allow_rw,external_share_url,link_expire_limit,link_authAuthall,link_authAllow_groups_ro,link_authAllow_groups_rw,link_authDeny_groups,link_authAllow_users_ro,link_authAllow_users_rw,link_authDeny_users\

Variants: This script has two variants: One with no input filtering and one that prompts for the filer serial and volume GUID to match.

Step 2 - Export Shares to CSV (optional)

use the "ExportAllSharesToCSV.ps1" script (documented above) to export all the shares you created to CSV.

Step 3 - Update Share Permissions (optional)

All share properties, including share permissions, can be set upon share creation. If you choose to implement share permissions during a bulk process, we recommend using a multi-step process with verification at each step since share permissions are very complex to implement. Note: While Nasuni supports share permissions, Nasuni recommends exclusively using NTFS permissions where possible. In most use cases, share permissions are not necessary. Our Permissions Best Practices Guide has more information about NTFS and Share permissions usage.

Reads share information from a CSV file (starting from step 2 export is recommended) and uses the input to update share permissions for each share. If more than one user or group is present for a share permissions element, separate them with semicolons. Domain groups or usernames should use this format: DOMAIN\sAMAccountName.
Required Inputs: hostname, tokenFile, csvPath
CSV Contents: shareid,volume_guid,volume_name,filer_serial_number,filer_name,share_name,path,comment,readonly,browseable,authAuthall,authRo_users,authRw_users,authDeny_users,authRo_groups,authRw_groups,authDeny_groups
The filer_name, volume_name, share_name, path, comments, readonly, and browseable columns are ignored during import but must be present.
Name: /Access_Points/Shares/UpdateSharePermissions.ps1, /Access_Points/Shares/UpdateSharePermissions-Sample.csv

Set All Shares on an Edge Appliance to Read Only

This script uses the NMC API to list all shares for an Edge Appliance and update each share's properties to set the shares to Read Only. This was originally developed to assist with quiescing all shares on a specific Edge Appliance to assist with data migration.
Required Inputs: NMC hostname, tokenFile, Filer Serial, limit (set to 1000 by default)
Compatibility: Nasuni 8.0 or higher required
Known Issues: none
Name: /Access_Points/Shares/SetFilerSharesToReadOnly.ps1

Set Previous Versions for all Shares

This script uses the NMC API to list all shares, check to see if previous versions are enabled, and update the share properties for each share without previous versions support so that previous versions support is enabled. It can also be used to disable previous versions support for all shares. There is a 1.1-second pause after updating each share to avoid NMC throttling. Based on the pause, the script could take 1110 seconds to complete for 1000 shares. Also, 1100 seconds only reflects the time the script will take to execute--the NMC could take considerably longer to contact each Edge Appliance and update share properties.
Required Inputs: NMC hostname, tokenFile, PreviousVersions (True/False)
Compatibility: Nasuni 8.0 or higher required
Known Issues: none
Name: /Access_Points/Shares/SetPreviousVersionsForAllShares.ps1

Set block files for all shares on an Edge Appliance

This script uses the NMC API to list all shares for an Edge Appliance and update each share's properties to match the supplied value for block files. The list of blocked files should be comma-separated. Limit is set to 1000 by default. Increase if there are more than 1000 shares in your environment.
Required Inputs: NMC hostname, tokenFile, FilerSerial, BlockFiles, limit
Compatibility: Nasuni 8.0 or higher required
Known Issues: none
Name: /Access_Points/Shares/SetBlockFilesForAllSharesOnaFiler.ps1

Set hide unreadable for all shares

This script uses the NMC API to list all shares and update the share properties for each share to match the supplied value for hide unreadable files.
Required Inputs: NMC hostname, tokenFile, hide_unreadable, limit
Compatibility: Nasuni 8.0 or higher required
Known Issues: none
Name: /Access_Points/Shares/SetHideUnreadableForAllShares.ps1

Set Mac Support for all Shares

This script uses the NMC API to list all shares, check for shares with or without Mac support, and update those shares to the desired Mac support setting. There is a 1.1-second pause after updating each share to avoid NMC throttling. Based on the pause, the script could take 1110 seconds to complete for 1000 shares. Also, 1100 seconds only reflects the time the script will take to execute--the NMC could take considerably longer to contact each Edge Appliance and update share properties.
Required Inputs: NMC hostname, tokenFile, FruitEnabled (True/False)
Compatibility: Nasuni 8.0 or higher required
Name: /Access_Points/Shares/SetMacSupportForAllShares.ps1

Delete a Share

Deletes the specified share. Share must be referenced by share_id. Share_id can be obtained by using the List Shares endpoint.
NMC API Endpoint Used: Delete a share
Required Inputs: NMC hostname, tokenFile, filer_serial, volume_guid, share_id
Compatibility: Nasuni 8.0 or higher required
Name: /Access_Points/Shares/DeleteShare.ps1

Delete Shares

Deletes the shares specified in the input CSV. Begin by exporting the full list of shares using the ExportAllSharesToCSV.ps1 script, copy the output to a new file named DeleteShares.CSV, and remove lines corresponding to the shares you want to retain. Only shares you intend to delete should remain in the CSV.
NMC API Endpoint Used: Delete a share
Required Inputs: NMC hostname, tokenFile, csvPath, shareid, Volume_GUID, filer_serial_number, filer_name, share_name
Compatibility: Nasuni 8.0 or higher required
Name: /Access_Points/Shares/DeleteSharesFromCSV.ps1

List Shares

Lists shares for an account and exports results to the PowerShell console.
NMC API Endpoint Used: List Shares
Required Inputs: NMC hostname, tokenFile, limit (number of shares to list)
Output: shareid, Volume_GUID,filer_serial_number, share_name, path, comment, readonly, browseable, authall, ro_users, rw_users, ro_groups, rw_groups, hosts_allow, hide_unreadable, enable_previous_vers, case_sensitive, enable_snapshot_dirs, homedir_support, mobile, browser_access, aio_enabled, veto_files, fruit_enabled, smb_encrypt Compatibility: Nasuni 7.10 or higher required
Name: /Access_Points/Shares/ListShares.ps1

Export CIFS Locks to CSV

Uses PowerShell to list CIFS locks for the specified Edge Appliance and exports the results to CSV.
Required Inputs: NMC hostname, tokenFile, filer_serial, reportFile, limit, nmcApiVersion
Output: type, ip_address, hostname, share_id, path, user
Compatibility: NMC API Version 1.2 (NMC 22.2 and higher), NMC API Version 1.1 (NMC 22.1 and older)
Name: /Access_Points/Shares/ExportCifsLocksToCSV.ps1

Export CIFS Clients to CSV

Uses PowerShell to list CIFS clients for all Edge Appliance and exports the results to CSV.
Required Inputs: NMC hostname, tokenFile, reportFile, limit, nmcApiVersion
Output: Edge Appliance Serial Number, User Name, Client_Name, Share ID (one line for each connected client)
Compatibility: NMC API Version 1.2 (NMC 22.2 and higher), NMC API Version 1.1 (NMC 22.1 and older)
Name: /Access_Points/Shares/ExportCifsClientsToCSV.ps1

Replicate Shares from Source to Destination Edge Appliance

This script uses the NMC API to list all shares for source Edge Appliance, compare a listing of those shares on the destination Edge Appliance, and create the missing shares on the destination. Shares for volumes that are not owned or connected to the destination Edge Appliance are skipped. All share settings are copied from the source to the destination. Shares that are already present on the destination are kept the same.
Required Inputs: NMC hostname, tokenFile, SourceFilerSerialNumber, DestinationFilerSerialNumber
Compatibility: Nasuni 8.0 or higher required; Required PowerShell Version: 7.0 or higher.
Known Issues: none
Name: /Access_Points/Shares/ReplicateMissingShares.ps1

NFS Exports

Create an Export

Uses PowerShell to create an NFS Export by referencing an existing volume, Edge Appliance, and path. Useful as an example of how exports can be created using PowerShell.
Required Inputs: NMC hostname, tokenFile, filer_serial, volume_guid, exportName, Path
Compatibility: NMC 21.2 or higher required
Optional Inputs: comment, readonly, hostspec, accessMode, perfMode, secOptions
Name: /Access_Points/Exports/CreateExport.ps1

Update an Export

Uses PowerShell to update an NFS Export. You can use the list exports NMC API endpoint or the ExportAllNFSExportsToCSV script to obtain the export_id for an existing export.
Required Inputs: NMC hostname, tokenFile, filer_serial, volume_guid, export_id, comment, readonly, hostspec, accessMode, perfMode, secOptions
Compatibility: NMC 21.2 or higher required
Name: /Access_Points/Exports/UpdateExport.ps1

Update Access Mode for All Exports

Uses PowerShell to update the access mode for all exports. Allowed access modes: root_squash (default), no_root_squash (All Users Permitted), all_squash (Anonymize All Users)
Required Inputs: NMC hostname, tokenFile, accessMode, limit
Compatibility: NMC 21.2 or higher required
Name: /Access_Points/Exports/UpdateAccessModeForAllExports.ps1

Create an Export Host Option

Uses PowerShell to add a host option to an existing NFS export. You can use the list exports NMC API endpoint or the ExportAllNFSExportsToCSV script to obtain the export_id for an existing export.
Required Inputs: NMC hostname, tokenFile, filer_serial, volume_guid, export_id,readonly, hostspec, accessMode, perfMode, secOptions
Compatibility: NMC 21.2 or higher required
Name: /Access_Points/Exports/CreateExportHostOption.ps1

Update Export Host Option

Uses PowerShell to update an existing host option for an NFS export. Use the list exports NMC API endpoint or the ExportAllNFSExportsToCSV script to obtain the export_id and host_option_id.
Required Inputs: NMC hostname, tokenFile, filer_serial, volume_guid, export_id, host_option_id, readonly, hostspec, accessMode, perfMode, secOptions
Compatibility: NMC 21.2 or higher required
Notes: The host option ID will change after updating NFS host options. Perform a new listing of exports/IDs before subsequent host options updates.
Name: /Access_Points/Exports/UpdateExportHostOption.ps1

Export All NFS Exports and Settings to CSV

Uses PowerShell to export all NFS exports and configurable settings to CSV.
Required Inputs: NMC hostname, tokenFile, reportFile, limit (preset to 1000 exports, but can be increased)
Output CSV content: exportId,Volume_GUID,filer_serial_number,export_name,path,comment,readonly,allowed_hosts,access_mode,perf_mode,sec_options,nfs_host_options
Compatibility: Nasuni 7.10 or higher required; Required PowerShell Version: 7.0 or higher.
Name: /Access_Points/Exports/ExportAllNFSExportsToCSV.ps1

Create Exports From CSV

Uses CSV input to create exports. We recommend manually creating several exports along with desired settings and then use the ExportAllNFSExportsToCSV.ps1 script to output a CSV. Use the exported CSV as template for creating additional exports. The exportId and nfs_hosts_options columns are ignored during import but must be present. Allowed hosts supports multiple entries--use a semicolon to separate entries.
Required Inputs: hostname, tokenFile, csvPath
Compatibility: Nasuni 21.2 or higher required
CSV Contents: exportID,Volume_GUID,filer_serial_number,export_name,path,comment,readonly,allowed_hosts,access_mode,perf_mode,sec_options,nfs_host_options
Name: /Access_Points/Exports/CreateExportsFromCSV.ps1

Create Export Host Options From CSV

Uses CSV input to create new host options for existing exports. We recommend manually creating several exports with host options and then using the ExportAllNFSExportsToCSV.ps1 script to output a CSV. Use the exported CSV as a reference when creating a new host options CSV import file. Allowed hosts supports multiple entries--use a semicolon to separate entries.
Required Inputs: hostname, tokenFile, csvPath, limit
Compatibility: Nasuni 21.2 or higher required
CSV Contents: filer_serial_number,export_name,readonly,allowed_hosts,access_mode,perf_mode,sec_options,nfs_host_options
Name: /Access_Points/Exports/CreateExportHostOptionsFromCSV.ps1

FTP Directories

Export All FTP Directories and Settings to CSV

Uses PowerShell to export all FTP directories and configurable settings to CSV.
Required Inputs: NMC hostname, tokenFile, reportFile, limit (preset to 1000 FTP directories, but can be increased)
Output CSV content: FtpId,Volume_GUID,filer_serial_number,ftp_name,path,comment,readonly,visibility,ip_restrictions,allowed_users,allowed_groups,allow_anonymous,anonymous_only,Permissions_on_new_files,hide_ownership,use_temporary_files_during_upload
Compatibility: Nasuni 7.10 or higher required; Required PowerShell Version: 7.0 or higher.
Name: /Access_Points/FTP_Directories/ExportAllFtpDirectoriesToCSV.ps1


PowerShell NMC API scripts to work with quotas.

Create Folder Quota

This script uses the NMC API to set a quota for the given path on the specified volume.
Required Inputs: NMC hostname, tokenFile, volume_guid, path, quota amount, email
Compatibility: Nasuni 8.0 or higher required
Known Issues: Quotas cannot be configured for a path with a quota configured at a lower level.
Name: /Quotas/SetQuota.ps1

Update Folder Quota

This script uses the NMC API to update an existing folder quota. The script lists all existing quotas to find the corresponding Quota ID and references it to update the existing quota.
Required Inputs: NMC hostname, tokenFile, path, quota amount
Compatibility: Nasuni 8.0 or higher required
Name: /Quotas/UpdateQuota.ps1

Export Folder Quotas to CSV

Exports folder quotas and rules to CSV
Required Inputs: NMC hostname, tokenFile, limit
Output: Quota ID, VolumeGuid, FilerSerial, Path, Quota Type, Quota Limit, Quota Usage, Email
Compatibility: Nasuni 7.10 or higher required
Name: /Quotas/ExportFolderQuotasToCSV.ps1


Working With Paths

Scripts that use the NMC API to list and control settings for paths. Nasuni provides two primary NMC API endpoints to deal with paths and path status:

  1. Refresh info about a given path: Posting to this endpoint causes the NMC to request current information from the associated Edge Appliance for the path (statting it). Once this is done, the path is considered to be a "known path" for the Get info on a specific path endpoint. Known paths are only cached for 10 minutes before expiring.
  2. GET info on a specific path (only valid for known paths): Calling this NMC API endpoint and specifying the Edge Appliance serial and path asks the NMC to give the requestor information it has about the specified path. This only works if the path is a "known path"-- In other words, if the path has recently been enumerated/statted by the NMC file browser or API call (Using "Refresh info about a given path").

Finally, the Get a list of all known paths with a specific volume and filer, can be used to get a list of paths that are "known"--in other words, have recently been statted by POSTing to the "refresh info about a given path" endpoint. A directory being reported as "known" lets you know it is eligible for use with the "GET info on a specific path" endpoint. Known paths expire from the NMC after 10 minutes.

Note: Paths are case-sensitive. The paths and path status endpoints will only return results if the correct case is specified.

Get Path Info

This script uses the NMC API to get info for the specified path. It first calls the "refresh info" endpoint to update stats for the path and then calls the "get info" endpoint. Beginning with NMC 23.3 and NEA 9.14, the cache resident property is only reported for files and is not available for folders.
NMC API Endpoints Used:

Required Inputs: NMC hostname, tokenFile, volume_guid, filer_serial, path - The path should start with a "/" and is the path as displayed in the volume file browser and is not related to the share path--it should start at the volume root. Path is case sensitive.
Compatibility: Nasuni 8.5 or higher required
Name: /Paths/GetPathInfo.ps1


Bring Path into Cache

This script uses the NMC API to bring the specified path into cache. By default, the metadata and data for the specified path are brought into cache. Bringing only the metadata into cache is an option if $MetadataOnly is set to "true".
NMC API Endpoint Used: Bring Path Into Cache
Required Inputs: NMC hostname, tokenFile, volume_guid, filer_serial, path, metadata only, force
Compatibility: Nasuni 8.5 or higher required
Name: /Paths/BringPathIntoCache.ps1

Set Pinning for a Path

This script uses the NMC API to configure pinning for the specified volume path and Edge Appliance. Can be used to configure the pinning of metadata and data or metadata only.
NMC API Endpoint Used: Set Pinning Mode
Required Inputs: NMC hostname, tokenFile, volume_guid, filer_serial, path, mode (metadata_and_data, metadata)
Compatibility: Nasuni 8.5 or higher required
Name: /Paths/SetPinning.ps1

Set Auto Cache for a Path

This script uses the NMC API to configure Auto Cache for the specified volume path and Edge Appliance. Can be used to configure the Auto Cache of metadata and data or metadata only.
NMC API Endpoint Used: Set Auto Caching Mode
Required Inputs: NMC hostname, tokenFile, volume_guid, filer_serial, path, mode (metadata_and_data, metadata)
Compatibility: Nasuni 8.5 or higher required
Name: /Paths/SetAutoCache.ps1

Set Global File Lock and Mode for a Path

This script uses the NMC API to set Global File Lock and mode for the specified path. Since GFL cannot be set while snapshots are running, the script includes a retry delay and retry limit that will automatically retry setting GFL. The script will return an error when setting GFL if the path is invalid (paths are case sensitive.
NMC API Endpoint Used: Enable GFL on a Path
Required Inputs: NMC hostname, tokenFile, volume_guid, path, mode, RetryLimit, RetryDelay.
Compatibility: Nasuni 8.5 or higher required
Known Issues: Global File Lock must be licensed, and Remote Access must be enabled for the volume. GFL can only be set when the volume snapshot status is idle, meaning that it is not allowed if any Edge Appliance is running a snapshot for the volume. Disabling GFL is supported using the NMC API but requires NMC version 23.3 or higher.
Name: /Paths/SetGFLandMode.ps1

Set Global File Lock and Mode for Multiple Paths

This script uses the NMC API to enable Global File Lock with the specified paths.
NMC API Endpoint Used: Enable GFL on a Path
Required Inputs: NMC hostname, tokenFile, volume_guid, base path, sub paths, mode
Compatibility: Nasuni 8.5 or higher required
Known Issues: Global File Lock must be licensed. This script does not incorporate retries to avoid snapshot contention, but that could be added.
Name: /Paths/SetGFLandModeForMultiplePaths.ps1

Disable Global File Lock on a given Path

This script uses the NMC API to disable Global File Lock on the specified path. The script iteratively checks whether Global File Lock is inherited from a parent directory; if so, Global File Lock is disabled on the parent directory, post user confirmation. The script initiates a snapshot and waits for its completion to confirm a successful change in GFL status.
NMC API Endpoint Used:

Required Inputs: NMC hostname, tokenFile, volume_guid, filer_serial_number, path
Compatibility: Nasuni 8.5 or higher required
Name: /Paths/DisableGFL.ps1

Disable Global File Lock on a Multiple Paths

This script disables Global File Lock(GFL) on all the paths provided in a CSV file. The script seeks acknowledgment before disabling GFL, as it also affects subfolders. If GFL status is inherited from a parent directory, GFL won't be disabled on the path. Script requests a snapshot to confirm the change in GFL status on the requested paths. The script outputs a CSV file with details of GFL status for each path pre and post-execution. Note: Disabling GFL can affect end-users. We recommend running this script when there is no end-user activity on the path.
NMC API Endpoint Used:

Required Inputs: NMC hostname, tokenFile, volume_guid, filer_serial_number, inputFilePath, outputFilePath
Compatibility: Nasuni 8.5 or higher required
Name: /Paths/DisableGFLOnMultiplePaths.ps1

Create Folder

This script uses the NMC API to create a folder using the provided volume path on the specified volume and Edge Appliance. The volume path is the path to the folder from the volume's root and does not include the SMB share or NFS export name.

NMC API Endpoint Used: Create Folder
Required Inputs: NMC hostname, tokenFile, volume_guid, filer_serial, path
Compatibility: Nasuni 8.5 or higher required
Known Issues: Folders created are owned by the root POSIX user and do not include NTFS permissions. NTFS permissions must be applied before the folder is visible on NTFS Exclusive volumes.
Name: /Paths/CreateFolder.ps1

Disable Pinning for a Path

This script uses the NMC API to disable pinning for the specified volume path and Edge Appliance.
NMC API Endpoint Used: Disable Pinning Mode on a Folder
Required Inputs: NMC hostname, tokenFile, volume_guid, filer_serial, path
Compatibility: Nasuni 8.5 or higher required
Name: /Paths/DisablePinning.ps1

Disable Auto Cache for a Path

This script uses the NMC API to disable Auto Cache for the specified volume path and Edge Appliance.
NMC API Endpoint Used: Disable Auto Cache Mode
Required Inputs: NMC hostname, tokenFile, volume_guid, filer_serial, path
Compatibility: Nasuni 8.5 or higher required
Name: /Paths/DisableAutoCache.ps1

Export Auto Cache Folders to CSV

Exports a list of Auto Cache-enabled folders to CSV.
NMC API Endpoint Used: List Auto Cache Enabled Folders
Required Inputs: NMC hostname, tokenFile, limit
Output: volume_guid, filer_serial_number, path, autocache mode
Compatibility: Nasuni 7.10 or higher required
Name: /Paths/ExportAutoCacheFoldersToCSV.ps1

Export Pinned Folders to CSV

Exports a list of pinned folders to CSV.
NMC API Endpoint Used: List Pinned Folders
Required Inputs: NMC hostname, tokenFile, limit
Output: volume_guid, filer_serial_number, path, pinning mode
Compatibility: Nasuni 7.10 or higher required
Name: /Paths/ExportPinnedFoldersToCSV.ps1

Reporting and Chargeback

Use these NMC API scripts to help with reporting and chargeback.

Recharge tracking/Volume Details

This script can be a starting point for billing and recharge reporting. This script example provides a report of all volumes in an account.
Required Inputs: NMC hostname, tokenFile, reportfile (path to the CSV output file)
Output CSV content: volume_name, volume_guid, filer_description, filer_serial_number, accessible data, provider
Compatibility: Nasuni 7.10 or higher required
Known Issues: Does not work correctly if there is a disconnected volume in the account.
Name: /Reporting_and_Chargeback/ExportVolumeDetailToCSV.ps1

Show Ingest Progress

This script can be used to track the progress of data ingestion or data growth. This script provides a report of all volumes in an account and the amount of accessible data alongside unprotected data on each Edge Appliance, the last snapshot time, and the last snapshot version. Run this daily and compare results to get data for ingest trending or data growth.
Required Inputs: NMC hostname, tokenFile, reportfile (path to the CSV output file)
Output CSV content: volume_name, volume_guid, filer_description, filer_serial_number, accessible data, unprotected data, last_snapshot_time, last_snapshot_version
Compatibility: Nasuni 7.10 or higher required
Known Issues: It might not work correctly if there is a disconnected volume in the account.
Name: /Reporting_and_Chargeback/ShowIngestProgress.ps1

Volume Unprotected Data Alert

Customers can use this script to monitor all Edge Appliances connected to a volume for unprotected data that exceeds a user-configured threshold. Once this is exceeded, an email to the administrator is generated. This is designed to be run as a Windows scheduled task and can be run as frequently as every 10 minutes. Requires an SMTP server for email alerting.
Required Inputs: NMC hostname, tokenFile, volume_guid, recipients, from, SMTPserver, port, subject, body
Compatibility: Nasuni 7.10 or higher required
Email Content: Email contains Edge Appliance name(s) and amount of unprotected data for the Edge Appliance.
Name: /Reporting_and_Chargeback/VolumeUnprotectedDataAlert.ps1

Export Full Path Info for the Provided List of Paths to CSV

Export all path information for the inputs specified in the CSV to a new CSV output file.
Required Inputs: NMC hostname, tokenFile, csvInputPath, csvOutputPath, limit
Compatibility: Nasuni 8.5 or higher required
Input CSV content:
Header: Volume_GUID,filer_serial_number,path
Additonal lines containing that info for each path to list. Use backslashes () as delimiters within paths.
Output CSV content: volume_name,volume_guid,filer_name,filer_serial,share_name,path,cache_resident,protected,owner,size,pinning_enabled,pinning_mode,pinning_inherited,autocache_enabled,autocache_mode,autocache_inherited,quota_enabled,quota_type,quota_email,quota_usage,quota_limit,quota_inherited,global_locking_enabled,global_locking_inherited,global_locking_mode
Known Issues: Edge Appliances must be online, NMC managed, and running Nasuni 8.5 or higher.
Name: /Reporting_and_Chargeback/CsvPathReport.ps1

Export All Shares and Path Info, Including Sizes to CSV

Uses PowerShell to export a list of all shares with full path info, including current sizes, and exports the results to a CSV.
Required Inputs: NMC hostname, tokenFile, reportFile, limit, RetryLimit, Delay
Required NMC Permissions:

  • NMC API Access
  • Filer Permissions: Manage Shares, Exports, FTP and ISCSI
  • Filer Access: Select all Filers with shares that should be included in the report or select "Manage All Filers (super user)"

Compatibility: Nasuni 8.5 or higher required
Output CSV content: shareid,volume_name,volume_guid,filer_name,filer_serial,share_name,path,comment,cache_resident,protected,owner,size,pinning_enabled,pinning_mode,pinning_inherited,autocache_enabled,autocache_mode,autocache_inherited,quota_enabled,quota_type,quota_email,quota_usage,quota_limit,quota_inherited,global_locking_enabled,global_locking_inherited,global_locking_mode
Known Issues: Edge Appliances must be online, NMC managed, and running Nasuni 8.5 or higher to retrieve share size.
Name: /Reporting_and_Chargeback/ExportAllSharesAndSizes.ps1

Export Top-level Folder Sizes to CSV - Supports Multiple Volumes

Uses a volume list (one volume name per line) for input and exports the top level folder sizes for each volume to CSV. Uses the Edge Appliance Data API to provide the list of top level folders within the volume. Assumes each specified volume has a share at the root level of the volume, and the 'Sync and Mobile Access' share-level Advanced Setting is enabled (needed for the Data API) for each of those shares.

API Endpoints Used:

Required Inputs: NMC hostname, NMC username, NMC password, Data API username, Data API Password, Volume List Path, Report File, Data API Token File, Limit
Output CSV content: volume_name, volume_guid, filer_name, filer_serial_number, path, size
Compatibility: NMC 23.3 or higher required; Required PowerShell Version: 7.0 or higher
Required Permissions:

  • NMC API: Perform File Restores/Access Versions, and access to the Edge Appliance used for listing.
  • Data API: The Data API user must have NTFS permissions for the listed folders.

Known Issues: Edge Appliances must be online, NMC managed, and running Nasuni 8.5 or higher to retrieve folder size.
Name: /Reporting_and_Chargeback/ExportVolumeTopLevelFolderSizesToCsv.ps1

Export Top-level Folder Sizes to CSV - Single Volume and Share

Get the size of top-level folders within a share using the NMC API and export the results to CSV. Uses the Edge Appliance Data API to provide the list of top-level folders within the one share on a volume — assumes all shares are connected to the Edge Appliance specified in the script. Shares to query for Top Level folders need to have the 'Sync and Mobile Access' share-level Advanced Setting enabled. Leave this off for other shares.

API Endpoints Used:

Required Inputs: NMC hostname, NMC username, NMC password, Data API username, Data API Password, Top Level Folder, Report File, Limit
Output CSV content: volume_guid, filer_serial_number, path, size
Compatibility: Nasuni 8.5 or higher required; Required PowerShell Version: 7.0 or higher
Required Permissions:

  • NMC API: Perform File Restores/Access Versions, and access to the Edge Appliance used for listing.
  • Data API: The Data API user must have NTFS permissions for the listed folders.

Known Issues: Edge Appliances must be online, NMC managed, and running Nasuni 8.5 or higher to retrieve folder size.
Name: /Reporting_and_Chargeback/ExportTopLevelFolderSizesToCSV.ps1

Subfolder Size Report

Get the size of subfolders within a path using the NMC API and export the results to CSV. Uses the Edge Appliance Data API to provide the list of subfolders within the path. The 'Sync and Mobile Access' share-level Advanced Setting must be enabled for the Data API to work.

API Endpoints Used:

Required Inputs: NMC hostname, NMC username, NMC password, Data API username, Data API Password, Volume GUID, Filer Serial, NMC Folder Path, Share Name, Report File
Output CSV content: volume_guid, filer_serial_number, path, size
Compatibility: Nasuni 8.5 or higher required
Known Issues: Edge Appliances must be online, NMC managed, and running Nasuni 8.5 or higher to retrieve folder size. The Data API user must have NTFS permissions to the folders being listed.
Name: /Reporting_and_Chargeback/SubfolderSizeReport.ps1

Export Antivirus Violations to CSV

This script uses the NMC API to export antivirus violations for all volume and Edge Appliances in an Account to a CSV.
Required Inputs: NMC hostname, tokenFile, reportFile, limit
Compatibility: Nasuni 7.10 or higher required
Name: /Reporting_and_Chargeback/ExportAntivirusViolationsToCSV.ps1

Export QoS Settings for all Edge Appliances

This script uses the NMC API to read the QoS settings for all NMC-managed Edge Appliances and export them to a CSV.
Required Inputs: NMC hostname, tokenFile, limit, report_file
Compatibility: Nasuni 7.10 or higher required
Known Issues: Setting QoS via the NMC API is not currently implemented and is in the backlog for the NMC.
Name: /Reporting_and_Chargeback/ExportQoSForAllFilers.ps1

Unprotected Data Alert

Customers can use this script to monitor all Edge Appliances and all Volumes for unprotected data that does not decrease after a user-specified time. Once this is exceeded, an email to the administrator is generated once daily at the time the user specifies. Results are also logged to an output file that is compared against the current status from the NMC API to determine if unprotected data is growing. This is designed to be run as a Windows scheduled task and could be run as frequently as every hour but should be run at least once daily. Requires an SMTP server for email alerting.
Required Inputs: NMC hostname, tokenFile, DayAlertValue, SendEmailTime, recipients, from, SMTP server, port, subject, body, ReportFileOrig
Compatibility: Nasuni 7.10 or higher required
Email Content: Email contains Edge Appliance name(s), volume(s), and amount of unprotected data for each Edge Appliance and Volume.
Name: /Reporting_and_Chargeback/CheckAllUnprotectedAndAlert.ps1

Volume Auditing

Use the NMC API to manage and report on Volume Auditing.

Export Volume Auditing Settings to CSV

This script uses the NMC API to export volume auditing information for all volume and Edge Appliances in an Account to a CSV.
Required Inputs: NMC hostname, tokenFile, reportFile
Compatibility: Nasuni 7.10 or higher required
Name: /Volume_Auditing/ExportVolumeAuditingToCSV.ps1

Set Volume Auditing

This script uses the NMC API to set volume auditing information for the specified volume and Edge Appliance.
Required Inputs: NMC hostname, tokenFile, volume guid, filer serial, multiple auditing parameters
Compatibility: Nasuni 8.5 or higher required
Name: /Volume_Auditing/SetVolumeAuditing.ps1

Set Volume Auditing for All Volumes and Edge Appliances in an Account

This script uses the NMC API to find all Volumes and Edge Appliances and configure them to use the specified auditing settings.
Required Inputs: NMC hostname, tokenFile, multiple auditing parameters
Compatibility: Nasuni 8.5 or higher required
Name: /Volume_Auditing/SetAuditForAllVolumesAndFilers.ps1


PowerShell NMC API Scripts to assist with daily Nasuni operations.

Delete Sync Errors

While the NMC UI does not expose a way to bulk delete/acknowledge sync errors, customers can use the NMC API Messages endpoint to list and delete sync errors for failed requests. This script deletes sync errors by using the Messages NMC API endpoints to list and delete messages that match the specified status codes and type.
NMC API Endpoints Used: List Messages; delete message
Required Inputs: NMC hostname, tokenfile, StatusCode, StatusType, limit
Status codes: set GFL for path (fsbrowser_globallock_edit); Refresh info for path (fsbrowser_stat_item); Create a Share (volumes_shares_add)
Compatibility: Nasuni 8.0 or higher required
Name: /Operations/DeleteSyncErrors.ps1

Export NMC Messages to CSV

The NMC API Messages endpoint currently logs activity performed by NMC GUI and NMC API, including the action performed and the user that initiated it. This script lists all currently available messages in the NMC API messages list, sorts them by send_time, and exports them to timestamped CSV.

Note: NMC Messages will only show recent activity since a cron runs on the NMC every 20 minutes that removes messages that are transient and 20 minutes old. To capture a full picture of NMC events for logging, run this script every 5 minutes using a cron or Windows Scheduled Task. The exported CSVs of NMC messages can be concatenated and sorted to show all the NMC activity daily using the ConcatenateNMCMessages.ps1 script.
NMC API Endpoints Used: List Messages
Required Inputs: NMC hostname, tokenFile, ReportFile (where to save the CSV), limit (number of messages to return).
Compatibility: Nasuni 8.0 or higher required
Name: /Operations/ExportMessagesToCSV.ps1

Concatenate NMC Messages

Concatenates, sorts, and remove duplicate entries from Export NMC Messages CSV files. Uses today's date to match and combine files.
Required Inputs: NMC hostname, tokenFile, ReportFilePath (path with NMC message CSV files), ReportFile (report file name).
Name: /Operations/ConcatenateNMCMessages.ps1

Export Health Monitor Status for All Edge Appliances

Uses PowerShell to export a list of Health Monitor status for Edge Appliances and export the results to a CSV.
NMC API Endpoints Used: List Health Status for all Edge Appliances
Required Inputs: NMC hostname, tokenFile, reportFile, limit
Output CSV content: filer_serial_number, filer_name, last_updated, network, filesystem, CPU, nfs, memory, services, directoryservices, disk, smb
Compatibility: Nasuni 8.8 or higher required
Name: /Operations/ExportHealthToCSV.ps1

Export Edge Appliance Status to CSV

The NMC List Edge Appliances endpoint lists all Edge Appliances, their status, and the settings configured for each. This script lists all Edge Appliances in an account and their status and exports them to CSV. The script does not include the enumeration and export of every Edge Appliance setting, but that could easily be added in a future version.
NMC API Endpoints Used: List Edge Appliances
Required Inputs: NMC hostname, tokenFile, ReportFile (where to save the CSV), limit (number of Edge Appliances to return).
Export Contents: Description, SerialNumber, GUID, build, cpuCores, cpuModel, cpuFrequency, cpuSockets, Memory, ManagementState, Offline, OsVersion, Uptime, UpdatesAvailable, CurrentVersion, NewVersion, PlatformName, cacheSize, cacheUsed, cacheDirty, cacheFree, cachePercentUsed, Hostname, DefaultGateway, IpAddresses, DnsServers, SearchDomains, RemoteSupportConnected, RemoteSupportRunning ,RemoteSupportEnabled, RemoteSupportTimeout
Compatibility: Nasuni 7.10 or higher required. Network details (hostname, IP Address, etc.) requires NMC 23.3+ and NEA 9.14+; Required PowerShell Version: 6.2 or higher.
Name: /Operations/ExportEAStatusToCSV.ps1

List Cloud Credentials

Lists cloud credentials for an account and exports results to the PowerShell console.
NMC API Endpoint Used: List Cloud Credentials
Required Inputs: NMC hostname, tokenFile
Output: cred_uuid, name, filer_serial_number, cloud_provider, account, hostname, status, note, in_use
Compatibility: NMC API v1.2, NMC 22.2, and Edge Appliance 9.8 or higher required
Name: /Operations/ListCloudCredentials.ps1

Update Cloud Credentials

This script automates updating cloud credentials on Edge Appliances using the NMC API. Cloud credentials shared among multiple Edge Appliances are uniquely identified using the cred_uuid. For a given cred_uuid, the script lists all Edge Appliances sharing the cloud credentials and makes individual patch requests to each Edge Appliance to update them. If an Edge Appliance is offline, the script seeks confirmation before making patch requests. The script repeatedly checks if the changes have synced up and summarizes the sync status. The number of sync checks and the wait time between them can be adjusted.

Note: Cred_UUID information can be found using the list cloud credential scripts. Updating only the access key and the secret on the 9.8+ Edge Appliances is synchronous. Updating pre-9.8 Edge Appliances or updating other attributes such as name, hostname, and note may take longer to sync.
NMC API Endpoint Used:

Required Inputs: NMC hostname, tokenFile, cred uuid
Output: Sync status summary
Compatibility: NMC API v1.2, NMC 22.2, and Edge Appliance 9.8 or higher required
Name: /Operations/UpdateCloudCredentials.ps1

Get Message

This script gives you an example using the message ID to look up the status of an action. The NMC is an asynchronous API, and POST or UPDATE actions you initiate with the NMC API will return a “pending” status along with an ID that you can then check to see the request's status once it has been processed. The screenshot below results from a POST request to the NMC API. The red box is the message ID you will use for the messageID in the script. The green box gives you the full URL to the messages NMC API endpoint, including the ID.


NMC API Endpoint Used: Get Message
Required Inputs: NMC hostname, username, messageID
Output: The example below is of a message for an action that failed. A successful message will show “synced” as the status.


Compatibility: Nasuni 7.10 or higher required
Name: /Operations/GetMessage.ps1

Export Edge Appliance Volume Settings to CSV

This script exports all Edge Appliance settings applied on a per-Volume/per-Edge Appliance basis to CSV. The output of these scripts can be used as a reference for updating or validating settings when detaching and re-attaching volumes during cloud-to-cloud migration. The script exports the following settings and logs them to the listed file name:

Setting File Name Description CSV Columns
CIFS Shares CifsShares.csv All CIFS shares listed in the NMC shareid, Volume_GUID, filer_serial_number, share_name, path, comment, readonly, browseable, authAuthall, authRo_users, authRw_users, authDeny_users, authRo_groups, authRw_groups, authDeny_groups, hosts_allow, hide_unreadable, enable_previous_vers, case_sensitive, enable_snapshot_dirs, homedir_support, mobile, browser_access, aio_enabled, veto_files, fruit_enabled, smb_encrypt, shared_links_enabled, link_force_password, link_allow_rw, external_share_url, link_expire_limit, link_authAuthall, link_authAllow_groups_ro, link_authAllow_groups_rw, link_authDeny_groups, link_authAllow_users_ro, link_authAllow_users_rw, link_authDeny_users
NFS Exports NfsExports.csv All NFS exports listed in the NMC exportId, Volume_GUID, filer_serial_number, export_name, path, comment, readonly, allowed_hosts, access_mode, perf_mode, sec_options, nfs_host_options
FTP Directories FtpDirectories.csv All FTP shares listed in the NMC FtpId, Volume_GUID, filer_serial_number, ftp_name, path, comment, readonly, visibility, ip_restrictions, allowed_users, allowed_groups, allow_anonymous, anonymous_only, Permissions_on_new_files, hide_ownership, use_temporary_files_during_upload
Snapshot and Sync Schedule SnapAndSyncSchedule.csv List of the configured snapshot and sync schedule for all volumes and Edge Appliances VolumeName, FilerName, VolumeGuid, FilerSerialNumber, SnapSchedMon, SnapSchedTue, SnapSchedWed, SnapSchedThu, SnapSchedFri, SnapSchedSat, SnapSchedSun, SnapSchedAllday, SnapSchedStart, SnapSchedStop, SnapSchedFrequency, SyncSchedMon, SyncSchedTue, SyncSchedWed, SyncSchedThu, SyncSchedFri, SyncSchedSat, SyncSchedSun, SyncSchedAllday, SyncSchedStart, SyncSchedStop, SyncSchedFrequency, SyncSchedAutocacheAllowed, SyncSchedAutocacheMinFileSize
Volume Auditing VolumeAuditing.csv List of volume auditing settings for all volumes and Edge Appliances VolumeName, FilerName, VolumeGuid, FilerSerialNumber, AuditingEnabled, Create, Delete, Rename, Close, Security, Metadata, Write, Read, PruneAuditLogs, DaysToKeep, ExcludeByDefault, IncludeTakesPriority, IncludePatterns, ExcludePatterns, SyslogExportEnabled
Folder Quotas and Rules FolderQuotas.csv List of all folder quotas and rules for all volumes and Edge Appliances Quota ID, VolumeGuid, FilerSerial, Path, Quota Type, Quota Limit, Quota Usage, Email
Auto Cache Folders AutoCacheFolders.csv List of auto cache folders for all volumes and Edge Appliances volume_guid, filer_serial_number, path, auto cache mode
Pinned Folders PinnedFolders.csv List of pinned folders for all volumes and Edge Appliances volume_guid, filer_serial_number, path, pinning mode
File Alert Service FileAlertService.csv List of file alert service entries for all volumes and Edge Appliances VolumeName, FilerName, Volume GUID, FilerSerialNumber, File Alerts Enabled, File Alert Patterns
Snapshot Directory Access SnapshotDirAccess.csv List of the snapshot directory access configuration for all volumes and Edge Appliances VolumeName, FilerName, Volume GUID, FilerSerialNumber, Snapshot Access Enabled

Required Inputs: NMC hostname, tokenFile, reportDirectory (where to save the CSV files), limit (limit to use for each API endpoint).
Compatibility: Nasuni 7.10 or higher required
Name: /Operations/ExportEaVolumeSettings.ps1

Export NMC Notifications to CSV

Exports NMC Notifications to CSV.
NMC API Endpoints Used: List Notifications
Required Inputs: NMC hostname, tokenFile, ReportFileName, limit (number of notifications to return)
Compatibility: Nasuni 8.0 or higher required
Name: /Operations/ExportNotificationsToCSV.ps1

Set Edge Appliance Escrow Passphrase

Sets Edge Appliance Escrow Passphrase.
NMC API Endpoints Used: Update Edge Appliance
Required Inputs: NMC hostname, tokenFile (provided by GetToken.ps1), filer_serial_number, EscrowPassphrase
Compatibility: Nasuni 9.3 or higher required. Beginning with 9.3, escrow passphrases are required for customers that escrow encryption keys with Nasuni.
Name: /Operations/SetEscrowPassphrase.ps1


PowerShell NMC API Scripts for working with volumes.

Create a Volume

Uses PowerShell to create a volume.
Required Inputs: NMC hostname, tokenFile, volume_name, filer_serial_number, cred_uuid, provider_name, shortname, location, storage_class(optional), permissions_policy, authenticated_access, policy, policy_label, auto_provision_cred, key_name, create_default_access_point, case_sensitive
Fields and values:

  • shortName: amazons3, azure, googles3 (9.0 version of the google connector), vipr (ecs)
  • location (case-sensitive):
    • AWS locations: us-east-1, us-east-2, us-west-1 (Refer NMC for a complete list of supported regions)
    • Azure: Not Applicable - location is associated with the cred specified
    • Google: US-EAST1, NORTHAMERICA-NORTHEAST1, SOUTHAMERICA-EAST1 (Refer NMC for a complete list of supported regions)
    • on-prem object stores: None
  • permissions_policy: PUBLICMODE60 (PUBLIC), NTFS60 (NTFS Compatible), NTFSONLY710 (NTFS Exclusive)
  • policy: public (no auth), ads (active directory)
  • storage_class (required for Google): STANDARD, NEARLINE, COLDLINE, and ARCHIVE

Compatibility: NMC API v1.2, NMC 23.2, and Edge Appliance 9.12 or higher required
Known Issues and Notes:
Creating a volume using an existing encryption key: When referencing an existing encryption key rather than creating an encryption key, you should not include the “create_new_key”: “false” option. This must be omitted until Issue 27807 is fixed.

New AWS regions should be opted-in before using them to create new volumes.

Misleading terminology: The create volume API has an option that misleadingly references “cred” in its Name: auto_provision_cred. Counterintuitively, auto_provision_cred controls the provisioning of encryption keys (PGP) rather than Nasuni cloud credentials.

Use the List Cloud Credentials NMC API endpoint to obtain the cred_uuid of a credential to use with the create volume NMC API endpoint.
Name: /Volumes/CreateVolume.ps1

Set Volume Remote Access

Set Remote Access for a Volume.
NMC API Endpoint Used: Update Volume
Required Inputs: NMC hostname, tokenFile, volume_guid, remoteAccessEnabled, remoteAccessPermissions
Compatibility: Nasuni 8.0 or higher required
Name: /Volumes/SetVolumeRemoteAccess.ps1

List Volumes

Lists volumes for an account and exports results to the console.
NMC API Endpoint Used: List Volumes
Required Inputs: NMC hostname, tokenFile, limit
Output: name, guid, filer_serial_number, case sensitive, permissions policy, protocols, remote access, remote access permissions, provider name, provider shortname, provider location
Compatibility: Nasuni 7.10 or higher required
Name: /Volumes/ListVolumes.ps1

Export Volumes and Settings to CSV

Lists volumes for an account and exports results to the specified CSV file.
NMC API Endpoint Used: List Volumes
Required Inputs: NMC hostname, tokenFile, reportFile, limit
Output: name,guid,filer_serial_number,case sensitive,permissions policy,protocols,remote access,remote access permissions,snapshot retention,quota,compression,chunk_size,authenticated access,auth policy,auth policy label,provider name,provider shortname,provider location,provider storage class,bucket name, AV enabled,AV days,AV check immediately,AV allday,AV start,AV stop,AV frequency
Compatibility: Nasuni 7.10 or higher required
Name: /Volumes/ExportVolumesToCSV.ps1

Export Volume Snapshot and Sync Schedule to CSV

Lists volumes for an account and exports snapshot and sync schedule for each Edge Appliance to the specified CSV file.
Required Inputs: NMC hostname, tokenFile, reportFile, limit
Compatibility: Nasuni 7.10 or higher required
Name: /Volumes/ExportVolumeSnapshotAndSyncScheduleToCSV.ps1


PowerShell NMC API Scripts to assist with ransomware mitigation and blocked client IP address reporting.

Block Client IP Address on an Edge Appliance

Blocks a client IP address for the specified Edge Appliance.
Required Inputs: NMC hostname, tokenFile, filerSerial, ipAddress
Compatibility: NMC 22.3 with NEA 9.9 or higher required
Name: /Ransomware/BlockIpOnAnNEA.ps1

Unblock Client IP Address on an Edge Appliance

Unblocks a client IP address for the specified Edge Appliance.
Required Inputs: NMC hostname, tokenFile, filerSerial, ipAddress
Compatibility: NMC 22.3 with NEA 9.9 or higher required
Name: /Ransomware/UnblockIpOnAnNEA.ps1

Block Client IP Address on all Edge Appliances

Blocks a client IP address on all NMC-managed Edge Appliance.
Required Inputs: NMC hostname, tokenFile, ipAddress
Compatibility: NMC 22.3 with NEA 9.9 or higher required
Name: /Ransomware/BlockIpOnAllNEAs.ps1

Detect Ransomware and Block Client IP Address on all Edge Appliances

Reads NMC Notifications to find new Ransomware Incidents and blocks the IP address on all NEAs. Designed to run as a Windows Scheduled task. Will also need to run the GetToken script as a scheduled task since NMC API tokens expire after 8 hours.
Required Inputs: NMC hostname, tokenFile, limit, minutesAgo
Compatibility: NMC 23.3 with NEA 9.14 or higher required
Name: /Ransomware/DetectAndBlockIpOnAllNEAs.ps1

Unblock Client IP Address on all Edge Appliances

Unblocks a client IP address on all NMC-managed Edge Appliance.
Required Inputs: NMC hostname, tokenFile, ipAddress
Compatibility: NMC 22.3 with NEA 9.9 or higher required
Name: /Ransomware/UnblockIpOnAllNEAs.ps1

Export Block Client IP Addresses to CSV

Exports list of blocked client IP Addresses to CSV.
Required Inputs: NMC hostname, tokenFile, blockedIpsReport
Compatibility: NMC 22.3 with NEA 9.9 or higher required
Name: /Ransomware/ExportBlockedIpsToCSV.ps1