Laravel Local Server

The local server package providers a local development environment for Laravel projects. It is built on a containerized architecture using Docker images and Docker Compose to provide drop-in replacements for most components of the cloud infrastructure.


Make sure all dependencies have been installed before moving on:


You can install the package via composer:

composer require nasyrov/laravel-local-server --dev


The local server uses the command line via the composer command.

Navigate your shell to your project's directory. You should already have installed Laravel by running laravel new or composer create-project but if not, do so now. See Installing Laravel.

Starting the local server

To start the local server, simply run composer local-server start. The first time this will download all the necessary Docker images.

Once the initial install is over and download have completed, you should see the output:

Starting blog-proxy      ... done
Starting blog-redis      ... done
Starting blog-mailhog    ... done
Starting blog-mysql      ... done
Starting blog-backend    ... done
Starting blog-phpmyadmin ... done
Starting blog-worker     ... done
Starting blog-scheduler  ... done
Starting blog-frontend   ... done

Your local server is ready!
To access your site visit:

Visiting your site's URL should now work.

Stopping the local server

To stop the local server containers, simply run composer local-server stop.

Destroying the local server

To destroy the local server containers, simply run composer local-server destroy.

Viewing the local server status

To get details on the running local server status and containers, run composer local-server status. You should see output similar to:

     Name                    Command                  State                         Ports
blog-backend      docker-php-entrypoint php-fpm    Up             9000/tcp
blog-frontend     nginx -g daemon off;             Up             80/tcp
blog-mailhog      MailHog                          Up             1025/tcp, 8025/tcp
blog-mysql --def ...   Up (healthy)   3306/tcp, 33060/tcp
blog-phpmyadmin   / apac ...   Up             80/tcp
blog-proxy        / traefik           Up   >80/tcp,>8080/tcp
blog-redis redis ...   Up (healthy)   6379/tcp
blog-scheduler    docker-php-entrypoint sh / ...   Up
blog-worker       docker-php-entrypoint php  ...   Up

All containers should have a status of "Up". If they do not, you can inspect the logs for each service by running composer local-server logs <service>, for example, if blog-mysql shows a status other than "Up", run composer local-server logs mysql.

Viewing the local server logs

Often you'll want to access logs from the services that local server provides. For example, PHP errors logs, Nginx access logs, or MySQL logs. To do so, run the composer local-server logs <service> command, where <service> can be any of proxy, frontend, backend, worker, scheduler, phpmyadmin, mysql, redis. This command will tail the logs (live update). To exit the log view, simply press Ctrl+C.

Ejecting the local server configuration

If you aren’t satisfied with the preselected services and configuration choices, you can eject at any time. It will copy all the configuration files into your project.

You don’t have to ever use eject. The curated service set is suitable for small to middle deployments, and you shouldn’t feel obligated to use this command. However I understand that this package wouldn’t be useful if you couldn’t customize it when you are ready for it.

See custom recipes.


composer test


Please see CONTRIBUTING for details.


If you discover any security related issues, please email instead of using the issue tracker.



The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.