
custom shell profile redux

Primary LanguageShell

My bash profile

Here's my terminal profile for a couple of MacBooks. Has yet to be fully implemented on a Raspberry Pi, but that would be cool.


# Go home
cd ~

# Clone mine or your own fork
git clone git://github.com/nat5142/profile.git .profile.d

# All *.conf files are loaded alphabetically, so this will retain your original settings
mv .profile .profile.d/z_myoldsettings.conf

# .profile.d/init kicks off the whole thing
ln -s .profile.d/init .profile

# Make sure you don't have any .bash_profile or .bashrc hanging out which might override .profile
# and reload your profile
source .profile

From here you can now put any .profile.d/*.conf file in your uname folder. I've also added local/ to the .gitignore, so any files/variables that are specific to one machine and shouldn't be tracked by git should be placed here. The load order is:

  1. .profile.d/ (the top-level directory)
  2. .profile.d/${PLATFORM} ("Darwin" for MacOS)
  3. .profile.d/local/ (gitignored)

Note that this means local settings will override repository globals.


  • Reactive prompt - includes date and exit code of last command and git branch.
  • Tab Completion for Git and Subversion
  • Tab completion for ssh hosts on OS X.
  • Git aliases
  • 'safeedit' function that makes a timestamped backup copy of a file before editing
  • 'profile_push' function for pushing these files out to other servers
  • 'link_dotfiles' command that will create symlinks for all the files listed in the dotfiles directory
  • Auto setup of .foward file on Linux and Solaris
  • Local overriding

Desired features

  • .zsh compliance on Darwin systems
  • Raspberry Pi implementation

Known issues

  • When you open a terminal in vscode on mac, you'll get bash: update_terminal_cwd: command not found
    • Fixed by adding the following code snippet to your /etc/bashrc file (source here):
update_terminal_cwd() {
    # Identify the directory using a "file:" scheme URL,
    # including the host name to disambiguate local vs.
    # remote connections. Percent-escape spaces.
    local SEARCH=' '
    local REPLACE='%20'
    local PWD_URL="file://$HOSTNAME${PWD//$SEARCH/$REPLACE}"
    printf '\e]7;%s\a' "$PWD_URL"


  • Add script to install all brew packages (traverse down tree just like with .conf files)