Celery with queues

Set up

  1. This repository uses Python 3.10

  2. Create a virtual environment and install requirements to try locally

     $ pyenv virtualenv 3.10.2 queues
     $ pyenv activate queues
     $ pip install -r requirements.txt
  3. Install Redis

     $ brew install redis


  1. Start the Flask server to start serving requests

     $ python ./app.py
  2. In another terminal window, start Redis as your Celery broker (your task queue)

     $ redis-server
  3. In another terminal window, start your first Celery worker to execute tasks from the first queue

     $ celery -A celery_app worker --concurrency 6 -Q slow_tasks --log-level=INFO
  4. In another terminal window, start your second Celery worker to execute tasks from the second queue

     $ celery -A celery_app worker --concurrency 6 -Q quick_tasks --log-level=INFO
  5. In another terminal window, call the script to execute requests to the server

     $ python ./server_calls.py
  6. You will see the output for the following simulations:

    1. Calling the endpoints without queues
    2. Calling the endpoints using a single queue
    3. Calling the endpoints using multiple queues
  7. While the script runs, you can monitor the Celery worker terminal windows to see how tasks are received and executed