This program aims to be a helpful tool for configuring and maintaining MSX++ (OCM-PLD) FPGA-based systems.
Currently supported devices: 1ChipMSX, Zemmix Neo, SX-1, SM-X, MCP2, SX-2, SM-X Mini, SM-X HB, DE0CV, SX-E, SX-Lite.
The program is using the sdcc_msxconio library as a git submodule. It is based in the old 'conio' library from Turbo C.
The core can be found at the official MSX++ repository maintained by @KdL.
Use the function keys (F1-F5) or TAB to navigate the different panels, and the cursor keys to select the items. A description/information text will appear at bottom.
To modify an item, you can press SPACE, ENTER, or '+' to increase its value or '-' to decrease it.
To mute/unmute the program sounds press 'M'.
Press 'P' to get access to the Profiles panel, where you can create user profiles with different settings.
You can also using OCMINFO like command line program with parameters:
Usage: OCMINFO [/n|/L] [/Q] [/?]
Use without parameters to open the configuration panels.
/n Apply the user profile number 'n'.
/L List the user profiles.
/Q Quiet mode (no verbose).
/? Show this help.
If you want to suggest improvements, feel free to create a github issue.
Thanks to @KdL, @HRA!, and @ducasp, for their core developments and support, and to @cayce-msx for his useful Wiki.