This repo contains some codes to work with quantum and classical harmonic oscillator. Folders contain the main results and the programs are in the scope of the repo.
: computes the probability of finding a particle for the classical harmonic oscillator (analitically), together with the density probability of the quantum harmonic oscillator in order to compare each order and test the Correspondence Principle;
: plots the comparison: classical probability X quantum density of probability, using analytical results. Besides, this program moves the data files created in the main directory byanalytical.f
to the folderanalytical/
: computes eigenvalues for the energy of the quantum harmonic oscillator using Numerov's method;hermite.f
: computes the Hermite polynomials until order 5;
: plots the Hermite polynomials until order 5. Besides, this program moves the data files created in the main directory byhermite.f
to the folderhermite/
: computes the probability density for the quantum harmonic oscillator using Numerov's method; in order to prove the Correspondence Principle;
: plots the comparison Numerov's X analytical probability densities. Besides, this program moves the data files created in the main directory bynumerov.f
to the foldernumerov/
An interesting explanation about the theory and plots of this repo is available in my blog: natalidesanti.