
Control repo using puppet to manage HPC

Primary LanguagePuppet



This repo is used by puppet to configure the infrastructure on a given master node.

I have based this workflow on a puppet tutorial I followed on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/learning/learning-puppet/.

The following need installing on the master node:

  • puppetserver
  • vim
  • git
# rpm -Uvh https://yum.puppet.com/puppet6-release-el-7.noarch.rpm
# yum install -y puppetserver vim git
  • reduce memory requirements of puppetserver from 2Gb to 512Mb
# vim /etc/sysconfig/puppetserver
  • start (and enable) server
systemctl start puppetserver
systemctl enable puppetserver
  • add agent info to master puppet.conf
# vim /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/puppet.conf

# add:
server = <name.of.master.node>
  • edit bash profile to access install a ruby gem
# vim ~/.bash_profile
# add:
# exec bash
# source ~/.bash_profile
  • install ruby's r10k
# gem install r10k
  • tell r10k where the control_repo is
# mkdir /etc/puppetlabs/r10k
# vim /etc/puppetlabs/r10k/r10k.yaml
# cat /etc/puppetlabs/r10k/r10k.yaml
# The location to use for storing cached Git repos
:cachedir: '/var/cache/r10k'

# A list of git repositories to create
    # This will clone the git repository and instantiate an environment per
    # branch in /etc/puppetlabs/code/environments
        remote: 'https://github.com/nataliedawson/control_repo.git'
        basedir: '/etc/puppetlabs/code/environments'
  • updated site.pp to include foxglove node, which auto-updates /etc/hosts on master node

  • updated profile::agent_nodes.pp to add foxglove host ip info

  • added role::foxglove_server.pp to use base and webservices profiles

  • deploy puppet

r10k deploy environment -p
puppet agent -t
  • Have added in orengoapps module to install extra programs that will be needed

  • Summary of other changes that have been made to get things working:

    • Get apache service (i.e. httpd) up and running
    • Ensure that foxglove has access to its own CGI scripts
    # as root@foxglove
    $ cd /var/www/cgi-bin
    $ ln -s /usr/local/svn/source/webservices/trunk/cgiscripts trunk
    # reload httpd
    $ systemctl reload httpd
    • Modify perl path in /var/www/cgi-bin/trunk/CathScan.cgi so that it uses the correct version of perl
    # i.e.
    • Modify sge_conf settings in qconf so that min_uid, min_gid is 0, as on phoenix
    • Chown directories to apache:apache where needed (using puppet via github)
    • Change SELinux settings for directories so that apache user has permission to write to them
    • Point to correct qsub executable path: /opt/gridengine/bin/lx-amd64/qsub
    # this is what $PATH now looks like:
    [ucbtnld@foxglove ~]$ echo $PATH
    • Ensure project name 'cath_update' exists
    # I've used the settings as on phoenix:
    [cathgrid@phoenix ~]$ qconf -sprj cath_update
    name cath_update
    oticket 0
    fshare 150
    acl NONE
    xacl NONE
    • Remove priority flag (-p) from qsub commands (currently automatically included, and apache user does not have authentication to permit postive increments of -p values, can only decrease priority).

      • For now have been submitting qsub commands manually and removed priority flag (-p) from qsub string.
      # apache@foxglove
      # run qsub without priority (-p) flag
      bash-4.2$ qsub -P cath_update -v PATH,PERL5LIB,CATHSCANCODE,CATH_VERSION -j y -o /grid/gridstore2/cathgrid/WebServicesTemp/8624/SID9594804131338624/SID9594804131338624.1.$JOB_ID -N SID9594804131338624 /grid/gridstore2/cathgrid/WebServicesTemp/8624/SID9594804131338624/SID9594804131338624.1.csh