
A D-CENT project: Secure notifications combined with w3 activity streams

Primary LanguageClojureMIT LicenseMIT

Build Status

A D-CENT project: Secure notifications combined with w3 activity streams


Development VM

You can develop and run the application in a VM to ensure that the correct versions of Mooncake's dependencies are installed. You will need VirtualBox, Vagrant and Ansible installed.

First, clone the repository.

Navigate to the ops/ directory of the project and run:

vagrant up development

The first time this is run, it will provision and configure a new VM.

When the VM has started, access the virtual machine by running:

vagrant ssh

The source folder will be located at /var/mooncake.

After initial setup, navigate to the source directory with:

cd /var/mooncake


To start the app, run:

lein stub

Go to localhost:3000 see the application running.

Running test suite

To run all tests, use this command:

lein test

Commands and aliases can be found in the project.clj file.

Running the prototype

Simply type:

gulp server

Activity sources

Activities are expected in the following format:

  @context:  "http://www.w3.org/ns/activitystreams",
  published: "2015-12-18T14:25:40.240Z",
  type:      "Add",  --- used to customise the feed
  object: {
    url:     "http://objective8.dcentproject.eu/objectives/41/questions/28",  (optional)
    name:    "Why?",
    type:    "Question"  --- used to set the action text
  actor: {
    name:    "Jane Doe"
  target:  (optional) {
    url:   "http://objective8.dcentproject.eu/objectives/41",  (optional)
    name:  "This Objective"

The timestamp uses the format YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sZ as specified in the international standard ISO 8601.

They should be presented inside a collection:

  @context:   "http://www.w3.org/ns/activitystreams",
  type:       "Collection",
  name:       "Activity stream",
  totalItems: 23,
  items: [
    <activities go here>

The activity source must support the to and from query parameters, returning activities with a published time less than or greater than the provided timestamp respectively. For example, https://objective8.dcentproject.eu/as2/activities?from=2015-12-22T14:00:00.000Z should return all activities that occurred after 2pm on the 22nd December 2015.

Adding translations

The translation files can be found at resources/lang/. To support a new language, you should create a new {language}.yml file and add to the client_translations.clj and time_translations.cljs files.

You can add any unsupported activity or object types to the activity-type section in {language}.yml in the following format:

action-text-{object type}: action text here
customise-feed-{activity type}: text here for customise feed view

For example,

  action-text-objective: created an objective
  customise-feed-create: Created content


To deploy using Docker, see here.

To deploy to Heroku, see here.