About Me

Before GA:

I was an Escrow Officer/Supervisor at a title/escrow company in Alaska.

Outcomes support I need:

Mostly I am looking for the job postings, or direction on what companies I should go for.

Day 1 Goals:

Understand JS loops better, it was a head-scratcher for me during the pre-work. (this now makes me laugh)

Two Truths and a Lie

  1. I lived with a roommate I didn't want for 5 years so that I could travel more.
  2. My favorite sandwich is the French Dip covered in au ju.
  3. I hate owning a car.

My LinkedIn


Meetups I've attended:

9/29 - Denver Script

10/7 - Women in Tech Summit (not sure if it counts)

10/16 - HTML5 Denver User Group

What type of company would you like to work for (i.e. Agency, Product, Startup)?

I am drawn to working for a agency, sounds like I may learn more working in that environment. That's really my goal for my first job -to be able to grow. I would love a mentor.

What kind of role are you leaning towards (i.e. Frontend, Backend, etc)?

I am leaning towards Backend but I honestly don't know. I am super great working with other people (even dealing with clients) so whichever role takes me in that direction I'd probably excel at. I'd be perfectly happy to work on the front end, I need some refined skills in that area.

Link to my resume:


Link to my portfolio website:
