
Next.js static site showcasing Framer X API Examples implemented within a production React Application environment

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Supplementary: Framer API implemented in Next.js Examples Repository

This Next.js static site is a technical showcase of the Framer X API Examples implemented within a production React Application environment. Each thumbnail links to a CodeSandbox which hosts the Framer API example built within Next.js.

Each Framer X API example links to the documentation and original Framer Codesandbox to compare and contrast.

🖤 This site is deployed using ZEIT Now 2.0 0config deployments 🖤

💙 For styling and components, this site is a fork of primer.style, which has been created and maintained by GitHub’s Design Systems team 💙

The Primer design system is available for use under the MIT license.


  • Putting the Framer X API into a production React application is definitely more of a could than a should! This is mainly a technical exercise!, but also a celebration of the technologies and communities which have enabled me to have a career flourishing as a Software Engineer 👩🏻‍💻

  • To make the examples work, it was necessary to rewrite some of Framer's the custom React Hooks (with particular reference to useCycle).

  • Scrolling example does not fully work (fails silently)

  • The Transforms API example sadly did not translate.


Framer Next was created as part of the Community Show & Tell for Framer Loupe 2019 by:

With a tiny PR and a big thank you to:

Also with thanks and gratitude to: