
Repo for hosting Group 32 capstone project

Primary LanguageC


Repo for hosting Letter of Recommendation Generator Capstone Project as of Fall 2021.

Team members:

How to Run Locally (Updated Fall 2021)

  • Enter letterOfRecGenerator folder
  • Run DEBUG=letterOfRecGenerator:* npm run devstart (for debug on console) or npm run dev
  • Open up a browser tab to (make sure port 3000 was not already occupied)
  • Run npm install from \letterOfRecGenerator and also specifically run npm install docxtemplater, npm install jszip2 and npm install helmet
  • Open up your browser, go to “https://localhost:443”

How to Restart Session (added Fall 2019)

  • Run npm update from \letterOfRecGenerator

How to Restart mongoDB in Terminal (added Fall 2019)

Run npx kill-port 27017to reset mongoDB then run mongod

How to Run via Docker Locally (added Fall 2021)

Windows, Mac and Linux:

  • install Docker from https://www.docker.com/get-started (or you can use package manager to install docker)
  • in terminal navigate to your git repo for this project
  • run docker build -t "your_name_for_this_image" .
  • then, run docker run -p 443:443 -p 27017:27017 -i -t your_name_for_this_image
  • in your browser, navigate to https://localhost

How to Access App Running on USC Server

Go to https://recommendation.usc.edu

Restarting/Starting Sessions (old)

  • To restart/start mongod, attach to mongod session using the above command and run mongod --port 12345
  • To restart/start the project session, attach to the session using the above command and run npm run devstart

For the last step, you may need to kill the previous process on port 3000 using the following steps:

  • Run sudo lsof -n -i :3000 | grep LISTEN
  • Using the second number (the pid) in the result, run kill ${PID}

Afterwards, test to see if the app is properly running by accessing on your browser.

Deployment (as of Spring 2019) (old)

Currently, our app is hosted on a server with IP address on port 3000, with the MongoDB instance on the same IP address but at port 12345.

Deployment (as of Fall 2021)

Currently, the app will be run under docker container.

How to Install MongoDB

  1. Go to this link and download the compressed files for your respective platform.

  2. Extract the files from the downloaded archive.

    On Mac, run:

    tar -zxvf mongodb-osx-x86_64-enterprise-3.6.2.tgz
  3. Copy the extracted archive to the target directory.

    On Mac, run:

    mkdir -p mongodb
    cp -R -n mongodb-osx-x86_64-enterprise-3.6.2/ mongodb
  4. Ensure the location of the binaries is in the PATH variable.

    Add the following line to ~/.bashrc or ~/.bash_profile:

    export PATH=<mongodb-install-directory>/bin:$PATH

    Then, run:

    source ~/<.bashrc or .bash_profile>
  5. Run MongoDB

    1. Create the data directory.

      This creates the default directory to which MongoDB will write data

      sudo mkdir -p /data/db
    2. Set permissions for the data directory.

    MongoDB will need read and write permissions

    sudo chmod 755 /data/db
    1. Run the mongod process.

      If the locations of the MongoDB binaries has been added to the PATH variable, then run:


      Otherwise, run:

      <path to binary>/mongod
    2. Verify that MongoDB has started successfully.

      Check the process output for the following line:

      [initandlisten] waiting for connections on port 27017

      You should now be able to begin using MongoDB.