Example Application - Complimentr

This application is meant to be used with the Introduction to APIs course.

Use this on Glitch

Remix on Glitch

⚠️ Several students have reported that cloning erroneously sets up a default Glitch application. If this happens to you, in the Glitch app that is created choose Tools >> Extras >> Git Import and Export >> Import from GitHub when prompted enter craigsdennis/intro-to-apis-flask

Local Installation

Copy .env.example to .env and update it with your Twilio credentials.

Running the application

  • python -m venv .venv
  • source ./.venv/bin/activate
  • pip install -r requirements.txt
  • FLASK_ENV=development flask run

In Development mode

  • Run ngrok on port 5000
  • Visit your ngrok url!