
Are you the last to the party on a few TypePad blogs that your friends love? Find out with this nifty little app!

Which TypePad blogs are you missing out on? Let's see what your friends are Favoriting the most.


Grab this perl script, but also snag http://github.com/sixapart/perl-typepad-api and place it at the same level as party.pl (so use lib 'perl-typepad-api/lib/'; will play nicely).


You have to have a set of API keys in order to look up this data. It's free, and any TypePad user can get one: http://www.typepad.com/account/access/developer . Note the Consumer Key and Consumer Secret


   perl party.pl nataliepo myconsumerkey myconsumersecret <optional report threshold>

I only show blogs that have more than 3 Favorites and posts that have more than 2 Favorites. Don't need to know about the one-offs.


Here's the party that I (nataliepo) am missing:

   [12] this is sippey.com (http://www.sippey.com/)
   [12] FAKELOCKE.COM (http://www.fakelocke.com/)
   [11] Community: Make A Face
   [11] The Fairy GodKnitter (http://thejoyofsocks.typepad.com/my_weblog/)
   [10] hello typepad (http://hello.typepad.com/hello/)
   [8]  Everything TypePad (http://everything.typepad.com/blog/)
   [7]  nataliepo (http://nataliepo.typepad.com/nataliepo/)

   [4] "The Rules of NEXT" from blog "nataliepo"
   [2] "I am hated" from blog "The Winter Webb"
   [2] "No more links array" from blog "TypePad Dev Blog"
   [2] "Happy Halloween from your Community Manager. <3" from blog "Everything TypePad"
   [2] "a face" from blog "Make A Face"
   [2] "Thank You, Miz Claire" from blog "Everything TypePad"
   [2] "Will the iPad usher in a golden age of UI design?" from blog "Designing Exceptional Experiences" 


This is only a listing of the favorites from the 50 TypePad Users you most recently started to follow. Next up is how to fetch the rest of the series (example - page 2 http://api.typepad.com/users/6p00e5539faa3b8833/relationships/@following.js?max-results=50&start-index=50).