
Primary LanguageJavaScript

Project One (easyDo)


User will see 4 sections on displayed

  1. Toolbar
  • plus symbol / add new task = takes user to the add a new task page
  • plus symol / add new collaborator = takes user to the add a new collaborator page
  • V2? plus symbol / add new user = takes user to the add a new user page
  • V2? Sorting and Filtering
  1. To do
  • plus symbol = takes user to the add a new task page
  • X symbol = to remove task
  • Task name = displays name of task (comes from new task page)
  • Edit = takes use to the edit task page
  • Time = displays time to complete task (comes from new task page)
  • Owner = displays name of team member responsible for the task
  1. In progress
  • Task name = displays name of task (comes from new task page)
  • X symbol = to remove task
  • Edit = takes use to the edit task page
  • Time = displays time to complete task (comes from new task page)
  • Owner = displays name of team member responsible for the task
  1. Completed
  • Check mark = indicates task was completed
  • Task name = displays name of task (comes from new task page)
  • Time = displays time to complete task (comes from new task page)
  • Owner = displays name of team member responsible for the task
Reference 'add new task' 'Edit' and 'add new collaborator' above
plus symbol / add new task = takes user to the add a new task page
- Task = user enters name of task
- Owner = user assigns team member to the task (if no owners, click +)
- Time = user enters estimate on time to complete task
- Stage = user can move the task from section to section (to do, in progress, completed)
- Add = user clicks and a new task is populated in the to do section
Edit = takes use to the edit task page
- Same as add task for (task, owner, time, stage)
- Update button = user clicks and a current task is updated and potentially moved
plus symbol / add new collaborator = takes user to the add a new collaborator page
- Current collaborators = list of names
- New collaborator = enter new name
- Add = user clicks to add new collaborator


Tasks Collaborators V2 Projects
Collaborator (O-M) REF
Static Picture STRING Collaborators (M-M) REF
Completion Time STRING Tasks (M-O) REF
Tasks (M-O) REF
Stage STRING V2 Projects (M-M) REF
Start Date DATE
V2 project (O-M) REF
V2 username/pass REF
End Date DATE


wireframe3 wireframe1 wireframe2


Friday finish all M+J (MVC and core files)
Saturday Model (Melisa)
Controllers - tasks (Melisa)
Pull collaborators data into tasks controllers (Melisa)
Views - Tasks (Jimmy)
Collaborators (M-M) REF
Sunday Controllers - tasks (Melisa)
Controllers - Collaborators (Melisa)
Views - Collaborators/Forms (Jimmy)
Monday Finalize both controllers (Melisa)
Views - Tasks Animation (jimmy)
Tuesday v1 (mvp) review and confirm. Push to master as v1
v1.5 welcome screen(Melisa and Jimmy)
v1.5 animation (Melisa and Jimmy)
Melisa - Projects/Users - Controller
Jimmy - Projects/Users - Views
v1.5 review and confirm. Push to master as v1.5
Wednesday v2 Choose features to work on in Next Versions -> V2
More V2
Thursday v2 Finish up
v2 Review and Confirm. Push to master as v2
Turn in by 4pm (preferably 3pm


Work Distribution - Option 1 (by models) Work Distribution - Option 2 (J front M back)
- tasksController - Jimmy
- collaboratorsController - Melisa
- Task - Jimmy
- Collaborator - Melisa
- index - M+J
-index - Jimmy
-show - Jimmy
-new - Jimmy
-edit - Jimmy
-index - Melisa
-show - Melisa
-new - Melisa
-edit - Melisa
-index - M+J
Server.js - M+J
-images - Jimmy
-app.js - Melisa
-styles.css - Jimmy

- tasksController* - Melisa (V2 M+J)
- collaboratorsController - Melisa
- Task - Melisa
- Collaborator - Melisa
- index - M+J
- Tasks
- index - Jimmy
- show - Jimmy
- new - Jimmy
- edit - Jimmy
- Collaborators
- index - Jimmy
- show - Jimmy
- new - Jimmy
- edit - Jimmy
-index - M+J
Server.js - M+J
- images - Jimmy
- app.js - Melisa
- styles.css - Jimmy

*tasksController will populate collaborators


  • V1.5

    • User is welcomed by an banner and
      • Button to create a project
      • See a list of current projects
    • When clicking on ‘create project’ the use is prompted to fill out information about the project
      • Name, collaborators, start date, end date
      • Then user clicks add new project
    • Hover - in progress
  • V2

    • Users
      • Sign in/out
      • Filter by user
    • Sorting tasks
      • Filter by user
    • Drag and drop tasks
    • Priority
    • Animation upon task completion
    • DB - collection of projects (maybe v1)
    • Hide completed tasks