
final-project-nataliya-a created by GitHub Classroom

Primary LanguageJava


The goal of the final project is to implement a website with a subset of the functionality of tripadvisor (or oyster.com, hotels.com), where users can register, login, search for hotels, read reviews written by other people, write and edit their own reviews, etc.

General Requirements (for both parts of the project)

  • You are required to implement both the front end and the back end.
  • Your code should be in Java (plus some Javascript for the front end as needed).
  • You are required to use Jetty/servlets for this project.
  • You may either use the departmental MySql database assigned to you (see MySqlAccounts.pdf under Schedule), or use a locally installed MySql database.
  • By default, you may not use any libraries except for the ones we used for labs. You are not allowed to use DataTables jQuery plugin or similar plugins.
  • Using Twitter Bootstrap is highly recommended.

Features of the website

  • Users are able to register and login.
  • Users are able to search for hotels.
  • Users are able to view hotel details, including a list of reviews.
  • Users are able to write reviews.
  • Users are able to edit their own reviews.
  • Users are able to delete their own reviews.
  • Users are able to view a list of hotels they have reviewed.
  • Users are able to view a list of hotels they have favorited.
  • Users are be able to favorite a hotel.
  • Users are be able to unfavorite a hotel.