
This repo contains my notes from my university Deep Learning course

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Deep Learning

This repo contains my notes from my university Deep Learning course.

You should open the links that are located below so that the latex-formulas are correctly visible.

A list of questions for the exam and at the same time course content:

  1. Question
  • Loss functions: Smooth L1, Bounding Box Regression, Triplet Loss.
  • Variational Autoencoders.
  1. Question
  • Activation functions: ReLU, LeakyReLU, PReLU, MaxOut.
  • Image Classification Networks: AlexNet, VGGnet, GoogLeNet.
  1. Question
  • Attention. Gated Attention.
  • Image Segmentation Networks: FCN, SegNet, UNet.
  1. Question
  • Convolutions. Causal convolutions. Dilated convolutions. Max pooling. Average pooling. Padding.
  • Recurrent Neural Networks. LSTM. GRU.
  1. Question
  • Skip connections. ResNet. Highway connection.
  • Generative Adversarial Networks.
  1. Question
  • Optimizers: Adagrad, Adadelta, RMSProp.
  • Speech recognition. Connectionist Temporal Classification. Deep Speech. CNN Speech Recognition.
  1. Question
  • Word embeddings: Co-occurrence Matrix, Word2Vec, CBOW, Skip-Gram, GloVE, FastText.
  • Deep Reinforcement Learning: Deep Q-Network, Deep Deterministic Policy Gradient.
  1. Question
  1. Question
  • Optimizers: Stochastic Gradient Descent, Momentum, Nesterov Momentum.
  • Object Detection. Faster R-CNN, Mask R-CNN.
  1. Question
  • Optimizers: Adam, Nadam.
  • Object Detection. IoU, mAP. R-CNN. Fast R-CNN.