
My day-to-day Linux Rice: dotfiles, configs, scripts, fonts, docs and more

Primary LanguageVim Script

Linux Rice

This is my current Linux Rice: dotfiles, configs, scripts, fonts, docs and more.


Install ArchLinux CLI (no graphic environment)

After installed, on first boot:

  • Enable DHCP for internet: sudo systemctl start dhcpcd.service

  • Install NetworkManager: sudo pacman -S networkmanager; sudo systemctl start NetworkManager; sudo systemctl enable NetworkManager

  • Download dotfiles/configs: git clone https://github.com/natanaeljr/linuxrice

  • Install Xorg: sudo pacman -S --needed xorg xorg-xinit

  • Install video driver with mhwd

  • Install window manager: git clone https://github.com/natanaeljr/dwm; sudo make install

  • Install status bar: git clone https://github.com/natanaeljr/dwmblocks; sudo make install

  • Install pre-requisite packages:

    sudo pacman -S --needed alacritty gvim yay ranger rofi dmenu picom sxhkd gnome-keyring xdg-utils wmname unzip xclip
    yay -S --needed google-chrome
  • Install additional packages:

    sudo pacman -S --needed xfce4-power-manager xfce4-screensaver xfce4-notifyd notification-daemon feh \
     mesa-demos manjaro-settings-manager pamac tree network-manager-applet htop bpytop yad \
     nemo gnome-calculator dbus-python xcursor-breeze xsetroot hsetroot tmux xsel unclutter bat
    yay -S --needed lf redshift-qt kdocker deadd-notification-center-bin tmux-bash-completion-git
    pip install notify-send.py
  • Install font packages:

    sudo pacman -S --needed noto-fonts ttf-jetbrains-mono nerd-fonts-noto-sans-mono ttf-fira-code
    yay -S --needed ttf-google-sans
  • Automatic start of the X server on tty1: add the following to ~/.zprofile: (# already setup in the dotfiles)

    if [ -z "${DISPLAY}" ] && [ "${XDG_VTNR}" -eq 1 ]; then
      exec startx
  • Automatic login to virtual console: https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/getty sudo systemctl edit getty@tty1 Add the following:

    ExecStart=-/usr/bin/agetty --autologin <username> --noclear %I $TERM
  • Change GRUB Timeout: sudo vim /etc/default/grub; edit GRUB_TIMEOUT=1; sudo update-grub

  • Install audio packages: Pulseaudio: sudo pacman -S --needed pulseaudio pulseaudio-alsa And start/enable with: systemctl --user enable pulseaudio Pipewire: sudo pacman -S --needed manjaro-pipewire And start/enable with: systemctl --user enable pipewire Additional packages: sudo pacman -S --needed pavucontrol pasystray playerctl

  • Install bluetooth packages: sudo pacman -S --needed bluez bluez-utils blueman And start/enable with: systemctl enable bluetooth.service If using pulseaudio install: sudo pacman -S --needed pulseaudio-bluetooth If using pipewire, no additional package is needed. Enable battery level reporting with pipewire:

      sudo systemctl edit bluetooth.service
      ExecStart=/usr/lib/bluetooth/bluetoothd --experimental

    See battery level with upower --dump.

  • Install more customization packages:

    sudo pacman -S --needed oh-my-zsh zsh-theme-powerlevel10k zsh-autosuggestions fzf
    yay -S --needed zsh-fast-syntax-highlighting zsh-vi-mode
    sudo git clone https://github.com/urbainvaes/fzf-marks.git /opt/fzf-marks
  • Update tuxedo-control-center due to max cpu issue yay -S --needed aur/tuxedo-control-center-bin

For Development

  • Install DEV packages:

    sudo pacman -S --needed gcc gdb clang rustup ccls neovim python-neovim npm nodejs
    yay -S --needed visual-studio-code-bin clion
  • For clion we need to download JDK 11 (new versions did not work because of Java AWT support)

    sudo pacman -S --needed jdk11-openjdk
    sudo archlinux-java set java-11-openjdk
  • For rust we need to setup toolchain: (and download std lib for clion)

    rustup toolchain install stable 
    rustup component add rust-src

For Logitech MX Keys keyboard

sudo pacman -S --needed solaar

For using VPNs (openvpn)

External monitor backlight control

ref: https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/backlight section "External monitors"

  • sudo pacman -S ddcutil
  • yay -S ddcci-driver-linux-dkms Enable kernel i2c module
  • sudo modprobe i2c-dev #(load once) Auto load kernel module on bootup:
  • sudo echo 'i2c-dev' >> /etc/modules-load.d/backlight.conf For enabling non-superuser access to the relevant I2C device
  • groupadd i2c
  • usermod -aG i2c $USER
  • echo 'KERNEL=="i2c-[0-9]*", GROUP="i2c"' >> /etc/udev/rules.d/10-local_i2c_group.rules Control:
  • ddcutil setvcp 10 + 5 && ddcutil getvcp 10

Aditional software list:

  • spotifyd (enable user service)
  • spotify-tui (spotify in terminal)
  • playerctl (for spotify cli control)


  • add a default wallpaper to this repo, for auto setup on new installations
  • map all tools used in the linux-rice configs, list them on README
  • status bar weather info
  • dwm fix child window selection
  • dwm allow to apply gaps to all layout types