Laravel Sending:

Laravel Pest Laravel Excel React Inertia.js Tailwind CSS Docker

This is a full project to import contacts and dispatch mass email sending



  1. Clone the repository:
git clone
cd laravel-sendings
  1. Setting up the containers
cp .env.example .env
echo "\nWWWUSER=1000\nWWWGROUP=1000" >> .env

docker-compose up -d
docker exec -it --user sail laravel-sendings_laravel.test_1 composer install --verbose
  1. Setting app the backend application(Laravel)
./vendor/bin/sail artisan key:generate
./vendor/bin/sail artisan migrate
  1. Setting up the frontend
npm i --verbose
npm run build

Visit http://localhost in your browser to access the application.

  1. Running the tests
# You can do this same steps to create a large file for tests, you just need
# to change the count from 20 to 1000, or more as you wish
./vendor/bin/sail artisan tinker
> (new App\Exports\ContactsExport(App\Models\Contact::factory(20)->make()))->store('example.xlsx', 'spreadsheets');
= true
> exit

# Running pest
./vendor/bin/sail pest # For test the backend application