Fullstack Afiliados

This project is a monorepo. Consists of a platform to upload a specific type of file, containing information about each customer's product transactions, with the purpose of processing the data and displaying the listing.

This is a challenge by Coodesh

The definitions of the requests and the strategies for creating the application for both the backend and the frontend are in the documentation file.


Project Presentation

  • Check out the project presentation at this link.

Project Scrum

  • I created a flow to simulate a scrum board with all the decision making I had during the development of this project. If you want to view it, click here. PS.: the board is in Portuguese.

Frameworks and languages ​​used:

Instructions for execute this project

  • Step one: setup app
    • Install dependencies(use node version 18):
      cd frontend && npm install
    • Rename file from .env.example to ".env". Run:
      cp .env.example .env
  • Step two:
    • Run app in dev mode:
      npm run dev

How to use the platform

  • It is necessary to register with name, email and password.

  • After registering, log in using your email and password.

  • To view the data on screen, it is necessary to upload the text file containing the transactions.

  • The text file must follow the following structure:

    12022-01-15T19:20:30-03:00CURSO DE BEM-ESTAR            0000012750JOSE CARLOS
    • *Where the 1st position refers to the type of transaction, which can be: 1 - Producer sale 2 - Affiliate sale 3 - Commission paid 4 - Commission received
    • From the 2nd to the 26th position, it refers to the date of the transaction, in ISO 8601 format(YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS±HH:MM): Ex.: 2022-01-15T19:20:30-03:00
    • From the 27th position to the 56th, it refers to the product description: Ex.: CURSO DE BEM-ESTAR
    • From position 57 to 66, it refers to the value in cents of the transaction: Ex.: 0000012750
    • Finally, from position 67 onwards, it refers to the name of the producer or affiliate: Ex.: JOSE CARLOS
  • When uploading, the list with the processed data will be displayed.