Unclaimed property search tool

Query to cross-reference contacts with the California Unclaimed Property database. Pretty barebones; this is a personal exercise in performance tuning and learning more SQL.


The California State Controller's website says it better than I probably would:

California’s Unclaimed Property Law requires banks, insurance companies, corporations, and certain other entities to report and submit their customers’ property to the State Controller’s Office when there has been no activity for a period of time (generally three years). Common types of unclaimed property are bank accounts, stocks, bonds, uncashed checks, insurance benefits, wages, and safe deposit box contents. Property does not include Real Estate. Controller Betty Yee safeguards this lost or forgotten property as long as it takes to reunite it with the rightful owners; there is no deadline for claiming it once it is transferred over to the State Controller’s Office.

Or, in other words -- a lot of people have "free" money just lying around, being held by the state, waiting to be picked up.

The State of California is nice enough to publish this unclaimed property list as a (at time of writing) 17 gigabyte CSV. This project helps me quickly cross-reference that property list with my contacts, so I can see if know anyone that has something in their name waiting to be claimed.

I think all states have some kind of unclaimed property system, but I'm only concerned with California for the time being.


You'll need:

  • a copy of the unclaimed property record database saved as property.csv,

  • a CSV of your contacts in Outlook format saved as people.csv. (Check unclaimed.sql for the expected format),

  • sqlite3, and

  • xsv.

Downloading the property database

curl 'https://dpupd.sco.ca.gov/00_All_Records.zip' > tmp.zip && unzip tmp.zip && rm tmp.zip

Actually running the thing

sqlite3 unclaimed.db < unclaimed.sql

Alternatively, if you have enough RAM (about half of the size of the CSV), you can build the SQLite database entirely in memory:

sqlite3 ':memory:' < unclaimed.sql

Things I want to do next

  1. Implement some kind of ranking to filter out the signals from the noise. Rows that are retrieved in both queries are probably true positives. If one contact has many results, they likely have a common name and have most if not all false positives.
  2. Present results in a prettier way. I'm using tabview right now, but it would be nice to prune columns imported into SQLite to make things easier to digest. .import supports reading from stdout(?), so maybe write something to only present provided columns. This might also have a performance impact?
  3. Add a way to ignore known false positives.
  4. Trim data loaded into SQLite so that the entire database can live in memory.

Things I learned

Directly importing a .csv into an SQLite database with the CLI

This is as simple as:

sqlite> .mode csv
sqlite> .import path-to-csv.csv table-name

. It properly handles large files and encoding. I didn't expect encoding to be a problem, but csv-to-sqlite (which I tried previously) choked on the unclaimed property CSV with some encoding error, so having encoding handled nicely by SQLite was very welcome.

In the past, I loaded CSVs and other tabular data into SQLite by cobbling together something in Python, which wasn't difficult, just tedious to do more than once.


Basic SQL. Using an INNER JOIN to look up my contacts in the unclaimed property database in bulk is an improvement over my original, naive approach of generating a bunch of queries in code a la:

for first_name, last_name in contact:
    run_sql('SELECT * FROM unclaimed_property WHERE first_name ...')

I'm hesitant to say for sure that this is a performance improvement without actually testing it (which I probably won't do). But it probably is.


More basic SQL. Some notes:

  • Sometimes you need to run ANALYZE to get SQLite to pick up on indexes.
  • You can have multi-column ("covered") indexes.
  • It's better to load your data first, then create an index. Be mindful of this, especially because indexes can make INSERT and UPDATE expensive.
  • Binary trees!


The gist:

  • Queries are evaluated / compiled / translated into "query plans".
  • The query plan is what is executed.
  • Seeing the query plan is very quick and can give me a window into query performance without actually running the entire query.

Didn't start doing this until late in the game, and I kind of want to go back and look at all the query plans for these queries.

.timer on

SQLite has a built in query timer, which would have been better to use so I could see which operations in particular were affected by the changes I made.


Played around with some recommended performance tuning approaches I found online (and some guesses). Most variations were micro-optimizations that generally didn't change runtime substantially. I left the ones I liked in place.

In retrospect, it probably would have been a good idea to show the code for each variation. I'll do that going forward.

Initial commit

real	173m40.322s
user	155m52.334s
sys	16m43.607s

With ifnull

Veridct: keep. Negligible performance improvement, but I'm lazy.

Executed in  170.54 mins    fish           external
   usr time  153.62 mins  375.00 micros  153.62 mins
   sys time   16.35 mins    0.00 micros   16.35 mins

With an explicit SELECT ... instead of SELECT *

Veridct: keep. Negligible performance improvement, but the output is easier to read.

Executed in  169.88 mins    fish           external
   usr time  152.56 mins  184.00 micros  152.56 mins
   sys time   16.59 mins   40.00 micros   16.59 mins

With WHERE conditions moved to ON

Veridct: keep. Outperforms the previous two approaches, though I still need to understand why. A 15 minute improvement is okay though for me still kind of in the range of a micro-optimization (at least until I understand what's going on).

Executed in  153.72 mins    fish           external
   usr time  137.19 mins  172.00 micros  137.19 mins
   sys time   16.24 mins   35.00 micros   16.24 mins

With two queries combined into a single query

Verdict: revert. I thought there was a chance this would be faster since the property table might only have to be traversed once... I don't think this was correct. I want to revisit this and look at the query with EXPLAIN QUERY PLAN and see what the difference is.

Executed in  186.25 mins    fish           external
   usr time  185.80 mins  242.00 micros  185.80 mins
   sys time    0.26 mins   48.00 micros    0.26 mins

With tables created manually so I can specify COLLATE NOCASE...

...per-column instead of per-query

Veridct: keep. It's slower, but I am kind of lazy, and may revert this later. Because I don't need to preserve the original case of the data, I wonder if it would be faster to just make everything uppercase.

Executed in  157.31 mins    fish           external
   usr time  138.38 mins  453.00 micros  138.38 mins
   sys time   18.14 mins   86.00 micros   18.14 mins

With concurrency and integrity protections disabled

Veridct: keep. Slower overall, but it makes building the database itself a lot faster, so I'll keep it for now.

(I accidentally lost the time output, but it was a little longer than the above.)

All of the above, with only relevant columns imported

Verdict: keep. Already decently faster even if the database is on disk but the real purpose of this change is to reduce the size of the database so it's small enough to fit in memory.

Database built on disk

Executed in  144.72 mins    fish           external
   usr time  135.17 mins    0.00 micros  135.17 mins
      sys time   10.12 mins  520.00 micros   10.12 mins

Database built in memory

This is really weird to me, for obvious reasons. Still digging into what the problem is here.

Executed in  153.93 mins    fish           external
   usr time  154.52 mins  218.00 micros  154.52 mins
   sys time    0.14 mins   31.00 micros    0.14 mins

Actually using indexes

In my defense, I tried using indexes at the very beginning and I couldn't get it to work -- any query that utilized an index would return no results, so I decided I would try again later.

I tried it again, and performance, as you might expect, changed drastically. I still have no idea what I did differently:

Executed in  251.01 secs    fish           external
   usr time  265.82 secs  189.00 micros  265.82 secs
   sys time   17.25 secs   36.00 micros   17.25 secs

Those times are with the database built on disk. It is faster than doing so in memory. I still don't understand why.

An interesting detail is that in the process of adding indexes, I tightened the address query criterion from property.OWNER_STREET_1 LIKE Home Street to property.OWNER_STREET_1 = Home Street and got the same results back. Maybe this is a fluke. I have more work to do with addresses, anyway, so I'll leave it there for now.

Importing all data to SQLite capitalized...

...instead of using COLLATE NOCASE for case-insensitive queries. Easy, since we don't care about preserving the case of the data.

Executed in  206.69 secs    fish           external
   usr time  227.06 secs  158.00 micros  227.06 secs
   sys time   22.69 secs   50.00 micros   22.69 secs

Going to keep this, not necessarily for performance (though shaving some 30 seconds off index creation is nice) but because it lets me lean on .import for table creation instead of having to specify everything explicitly.

In retrospect

If I did this again from the beginning, I would:

  • Better document the changes that I made.
  • Use COUNT(*) to ensure that queries were returning the same results each time with the changes I made.
  • Use .timer and some arithmetic to better evaluate impact of the changes I made.
  • Use EXPLAIN QUERY PLAN to get some window into how my changes would impact performance instead of throwing something at the wall then coming back in two hours to see if it stuck.

Lessons learned. I'm not going to run the tests again, though, because I don't really want to.