
Docker Graphql Nodejs React and Apollo BoilerPlate

Primary LanguageJavaScript

The God Stack Starter - Docker Graphql Nodejs React and Apollo

This is a boilerplate! =)

The name GodStack is a joke with the fullStack idea (Front+back)

GodStack should be something like (DBA+Devops+back+front)... maybe more... why not? ;)

Devops instructions

You gonna need docker and docker-compose on your machine!

Every distro has its own way to install docker:

Just find yours googling: docker install < DISTRO NAME >

Database instructions

Databases available in this project at the moment:

  • Mariadb (soon)
  • Postgres (as a docker container)
  • MongoDb (soon)
  • Neo4j (soon)

BackEnd instructions

Pattern: Domain Driven Design (DDD)

More about it: https://bit.ly/2O14Ddp (it will download a pdf)

This is not an Rest API, it is an GraphQl, so there is NO routes, just Qls. (Keep that in your mind!)

Any doubts abou the qls? just go to: https://graphql.org/

Apollo server: https://www.apollographql.com/docs/apollo-server/

FrontEnd instructions

Pattern: Atomic Design

More about it: https://bradfrost.com/blog/post/atomic-web-design/

Apollo Client will take care of this things for us, this is why we are not using redux or axios. And we are using hooks.

Any Doubts go to:

Do you like it? Take a look at: https://github.com/trojanowski/react-apollo-hooks



.env file

Create a .env file in the root folder with the .env_example variables
Add a sendgrid apikey on the .env (in order to send emails)
If you don't do that the system will work, but you will not receive an email on user create.

hosts file (Mandatory)

Change your /etc/hosts file and ADD the lines below:   proxy.local.thegodstack.com   pg.local.thegodstack.com   api.local.thegodstack.com   spa.local.thegodstack.com

Now it will be possible to use a real full address, and not the old (and lame) 'localhost:port'

P.S.: There is an hosts file on windows aswell, but I do not know where, try google! =)


Run in terminal:

If first time: ./install
Else: docker-compose up

Utils (not mandatory, just a little help!)

Clean docker

docker stop $(docker ps -a -q) && docker rm $(docker ps -a -q)

execute api bash

docker exec -it api.local.thegodstack.com bash

execute spa bash

docker exec -it spa.local.thegodstack.com bash

Create migration

docker exec -it api.local.thegodstack.com knex migrate:make --migrations-directory migrations <TABLE>

Run migration

docker exec -it api.local.thegodstack.com knex migrate:latest --knexfile knexfile.cjs --esm

RollBack migration

docker exec -it api.local.thegodstack.com knex migrate:down --knexfile knexfile.cjs --esm