
🦄 A dark theme for vim, based on Code Sample of the Github (Dark-Mode).

Primary LanguageVim Script

Imgur if you wish, you can access the complete list of screenshots at this link.

Why I created this project?

Learning is never enough, it is always important to understand something different implemented in the tools of our daily lives, and no project is small enough not to be created. A simple theme can give you an idea, maybe not a big one, but a base, in maybe design and UX, in improving the user experience as well as his vision in the editor and maybe improving his productivity.



cd /etc/vim/
sudo git clone https://github.com/natanscalvence/PastellGit.git
cd PastellGit
mv colors /etc/vim/

Open your vim than type:

:colorscheme PastellGit

If you still want to use it as a default theme, follow the steps below.

sudo nano /etc/vim/vimrc
:set colorscheme
colorscheme PastellGit

👽 You done, now you have the new theme for you vim. Look at that Unixporn...