Refera - Fullstack Code Challenge


This application was made using React and Django.

In this application the user can create orders for maintenance of real estate, update orders, retrieve them and delete. The categories feature is accessible through the front end only to retrieve categories already added to the database.

There is no authentication layer in this project. But it could be created using authtoken from django's rest framework library. Here are the steps necessary:

  • A model for users
  • Password hashing service
  • Register endpoint
  • Utilize Django's authtoken to generate a token
  • A middleware to verify if the user's token is valid or expired
  • Login endpoint
  • Protection for private endpoints

Currently there are two tables in the database, Orders and Categories. To create a structure to support storage of real estate agencies, companies and contacts it would be required to change the structure of all tables, except for Categories:

Real estate agency

  • Relation on this table to contacts
  • Relation to orders created by the agency
  • Ratings


  • With a table of users, there would need to be a relation to users
  • Assuming that companies would have one account only, storing hashed password and access information
  • Ratings


  • All the contacts data


  • Relation to orders accepted by companies
  • Removing most data stored here and using pivot tables to make relations N-N

How to run it

Back end

From the project root, you should access the back end folder, create your virtual environment and initialize it. Then install all dependencies.

cd back-end                                               <-- Access back end folder
python -m venv venv                                       <-- Create virtual environment
source venv/bin/activate                                  <-- Initialize the virtual environment
pip install -r requirements.txt                           <-- Install dependencies

Then make your migrations, migrate them, populate categories table and run the server.

python makemigrations                           <-- Create migrations
python migrate                                  <-- Migrate DB
python loaddata fixtures/categories_data.json   <-- Populate categories table
python runserver                                <-- Run server

Front end

From the project root, access the front end folder and install all dependencies.

cd front-end                                              <-- Access the front end folder
yarn                                                      <-- Install dependencies
yarn start                                                <-- Start project


Base URL for hosting locally


Create Order

POST - /orders

Request example:

    "contact_name": "Marcos",
    "contact_phone": "51991006915",
    "real_estate_agency": "Imobiliaria Certeira",
    "order_description": "Necessito de um eletricista para problemas elétricos sendo apresentados nas tomadas do apartamento.",
    "company": "Empresa Trivial",
    "category": {
      "name": "Elétrica"
    "deadline": "2022-05-03T00:00:00-05:00"

Expected response:


  "id": 1,
  "contact_name": "Marcos",
  "contact_phone": "51991006915",
  "real_estate_agency": "Imobiliaria Certeira",
  "order_description": "Necessito de um eletricista para problemas elétricos sendo apresentados nas tomadas do apartamento.",
  "company": "Empresa Trivial",
  "category": {
    "id": 1,
    "name": "Elétrica"
  "deadline": "2022-05-03T00:00:00-05:00"

Possible errors:


  "contact_name": [
    "This field is required."
  "contact_phone": [
    "This field is required."
  "real_estate_agency": [
    "This field is required."
  "order_description": [
    "This field is required."
  "company": [
    "This field is required."
  "deadline": [
    "This field is required."
  "category": [
    "This field is required."
  "contact_name": [
    "Not a valid string."

Get Orders

GET - /orders

no body

Expected response:

200 - OK

  "orders": [
      "id": 1,
      "contact_name": "Marcos",
      "contact_phone": "51991006915",
      "real_estate_agency": "Imobiliaria Certeira",
      "order_description": "Necessito de um eletricista para problemas elétricos sendo apresentados nas tomadas do apartamento.",
      "company": "Empresa Trivial",
      "category": {
        "id": 1,
        "name": "Elétrica"
      "deadline": "2022-05-03T00:00:00-05:00"

Get Single Orders

GET - /orders/<id>

no body

Expected response:

200 - OK

  "order": {
    "id": 1,
    "contact_name": "Marcos",
    "contact_phone": "51991006915",
    "real_estate_agency": "Imobiliaria Certeira",
    "order_description": "Necessito de um eletricista para problemas elétricos sendo apresentados nas tomadas do apartamento.",
    "company": "Empresa Trivial",
    "category": {
      "id": 1,
      "name": "Elétrica"
    "deadline": "2022-05-03T00:00:00-05:00"

Patch Order

PATCH - /orders/<id>

Request example:

  "contact_name": "Fred"

Expected response:

200 - OK

  "message": "Order updated",
  "order": {
    "id": 1,
    "contact_name": "Fred",
    "contact_phone": "51991006915",
    "real_estate_agency": "Imobiliaria Certeira",
    "order_description": "Necessito de um eletricista para problemas elétricos sendo apresentados nas tomadas do apartamento.",
    "company": "Empresa Trivial",
    "category": {
      "id": 1,
      "name": "Elétrica"
    "deadline": "2022-05-03T00:00:00-05:00"

Delete Order

DELETE - /orders/<id>

no body

Expected response:

200 - OK

  "order": {
    "id": 1,
    "contact_name": "Fred",
    "contact_phone": "51991006915",
    "real_estate_agency": "Imobiliaria Certeira",
    "order_description": "Necessito de um eletricista para problemas elétricos sendo apresentados nas tomadas do apartamento.",
    "company": "Empresa Trivial",
    "category": {
      "id": 1,
      "name": "Elétrica"
    "deadline": "2022-05-03T00:00:00-05:00"

Create Category

POST - /categories

Request example:

  "name": "Hidráulica"

Expected resposne:


  "id": 2,
  "name": "Hidráulica"

Get Categories

GET - /categories

no body

Expected resposne:

200 - OK

  "categories": [
      "id": 1,
      "name": "Elétrica"
      "id": 2,
      "name": "Hidráulica"

Get Single Categories

GET - /categories/<id>

no body

Expected resposne:

200 - OK

  "category": {
    "id": 2,
    "name": "Hidráulica"

Patch Category

PATCH - /categories/<id>

Request example:

	"name": "Infiltração"

Expected response: 200 - OK

  "message": "Category updated",
  "category": {
    "name": "Infiltração"

Delete Category

DELETE - /categories/<id>

no body

Expected response:

  "message": "Category deleted",
  "category": {
    "id": null,
    "name": "Infiltração"