Markers detection

Collection of C++ programs for markers detection using ARToolKitPlus and Chilitags libraries.

Getting Started


To get started, you need to build and install the following libraries:


Go into project folder and run the following:

mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
make -j

Running the tests

Once compiled, if you have all the dependencies install you should have 4 executalbes.

singlemarker-detection: Find at most one ARToolKitPlus marker on a given image. If multiple markers are present it returns the one with the most confidence.

singlemarker-detection [OPTION...]

  -d, --debug                   Enable debug mode. This will print helpfull
                                informations on the standard error stream.
  -c, --camera-calibration arg  The camera calibration file that will be
                                used to adjust the results depending on 
                                the physical camera characteristics.
  -i, --in-file arg             The image file to detect marker on.
  -h, --help                    Print this help message.

multimarker-detection: Find ARToolKitPlus markers on a given image.

multimarker-detection [OPTION...]

  -d, --debug                   Enable debug mode. This will print helpfull
                                process informations on the standard error
  -c, --camera-calibration arg  The camera calibration file that will be used
                                to adjust the results depending on the
                                physical camera characteristics.
  -i, --in-file arg             The image file to detect marker on.
  -h, --help                    Print this help message.

markers-detection-server (optional): Find ARToolKitPlus and Chilitags markers and send detection results into a running redis server as json.

markers-detection-server [OPTION...]

  -d, --debug                   Enable debug mode. This will print helpfull
                                process informations on the standard error
  -c, --camera-calibration arg  The camera calibration file that will be used
                                to adjust the results depending on the
                                physical camera characteristics.
  -k, --key arg                 The redis key to fetch data from and put data
  -h, --help                    Print this help message.

markers-detection-client (optional): Get json marker informations from redis, parse them and display the result as an image using OpenCV.

markers-detection-client [OPTION...]

  -d, --debug    Enable debug mode. This will print helpfull process
                 informations on the standard error stream.
  -k, --key arg  The redis key to fetch and put data on
  -h, --help     Print help


The following commands (with a redis server up and running)

./markers-detection-server -d -c ../data/ -k custom:image
./markers-detection-client -d -k custom:image

gives the following output: alt