Aruco QRCode tracker

C++ implementation of an QRCode tracker using ZBar for a camera using Natar.


Compiling & Installing

Go into project folder and run the following:

mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
make -j8

This should create one executables : qrcode-server.

Running the tracker

The tracker server comes with a lot of command line options. You can check them all using the following command ./qrcode-server -h.

  aruco-detection-server [OPTION...]

      --redis-port arg         The port to which the redis client should 
                               try to connect.
      --redis-host arg         The host adress to which the redis client 
                               should try to connect
  -i, --input arg              The redis input key where data are going to 
  -o, --output arg             The redis output key where to set output 
  -s, --stream                 Activate stream mode. In stream mode the 
                               program will constantly process input data 
                               and publish output data.
  -u, --unique                 Activate unique mode. In unique mode the 
                               program will only read and output data one 
  -g, --stream-set             Enable stream get/set mode. If stream mode 
                               is already enabled setting this will cause 
                               to publish and set the same data at the same 
  -c, --camera-parameters arg  The redis input key where camera-parameters 
                               are going to arrive.
  -v, --verbose                Enable verbose mode. This will print 
                               helpfull process informations on the 
                               standard error stream.
  -h, --help                   Print this help message.

How to use

Run the tracker like this. Note that the verbose mode (-v) is activated.

./qrcode-server -i camera0 -g -v

WARNING: The Stream mode is not fully implemented yet, it uses an older version of Natar protocol.

This will wait for Publish events on camera0, read the camera0 key, try to find the marker corners. In the output, you will get a list of markers with their data. The data is set to camera0:markers.
