A repository which demonstrates the minimal basic functionality required to offload for loops to a GPU using CUDA in C++

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

How to offload computation onto a CUDA GPU device?

This repository contains a minimal working example of how to offload computations onto a CUDA GPU device.

Compilation and running

The directory CPUAndGPU contains the code. To run the code with GPU, the machine needs to have a CUDA installation. The Makefile has a variable USE_CUDA which can be defined as true or false and that will compile the GPU and pure CPU versions of the code respectively. make will compile the code. The executable is parallel_for_gpu.ex or parallel_for_cpu.ex for the GPU and pure CPU compilations respectively. For running with GPU, CUDA modules should be enabled. Run with ./parallel_for_gpu.ex or parallel_for_cpu.ex. A sample run with CPU can be seen on the Actions tab in the GitHub panel above.

Run in Google Colab

The example can also be run on Google Colab. The notebook GPU_CUDA_Colab.ipynb is set to run as it is on Google Colab. To run on CPU use the #include "ParallelForCPU.H" and for GPU use #include "ParallelForGPU.H" in the main program. In the Google Colab page, make sure to choose Runtime->Change runtime type->GPU to use GPUs.

How does it work?

Consider a simple three-dimensional nested for-loop which performs computation within a function as below

for(int i=0;i<nx;i++){
  for(int j=0;j<ny;j++){
    for(int k=0;k<nz;k++){
      test_function(i, j, k, vel, pressure);

where test_function is a function which performs computation on vel and pressure. The GPU implementation of this nested for-loop in the application code will look as below.

ParallelFor(nx, ny, nz,
	[=] DEVICE (int i, int j, int k)noexcept
		test_function(i, j, k, vel, pressure);

This would be one of the major changes (there is one more that is explained in the next section) the user will have to make in the application code. The header files have templated functions which will offload any function written within the for-loop (test_function in this case) onto the device i.e. the GPU, and the user does not need to know about these.
ParallelFor is a function that takes in 4 arguments - nx, ny, nz and the function that will be offloaded to the GPU device. DEVICE is a macro which is defined as __device__ when using GPU or expands to blank space when using pure CPU. Similary there is a macro for HOST which is __host__ or blank space depending on if we are using a GPU or CPU. See GPUMacros.H for the definitions. Note that the function that is to be offloaded to the device is written as a lambda function with the variables captured by value using the capture clause [=]. There are two implementations of the ParallelFor function - one each in the header file ParallelForCPU.H and ParallelForGPU.H, and a #ifdef in the main function ParallelFor.cpp is used to choose which implementation to use depending on if we are using a CPU or a GPU.

The need for a custom data type

Another change that will be needed in already written codes to make them GPU-enabled is discussed in this section. The variables - vel, pressure, within the function that needs to be offloaded to the device - test_function, are captured by value in ParallelFor using the capture clause [=], and this necessitates the variables to have the const qualifier in the definition of the function as below.

inline void test_function(int i, int j, int k,
                          Array4<double> const &vel,
                          Array4<double> const &pressure) {
    vel(i, j, k) = i+j+k;
    pressure(i,j,k) = 2*i*j;

If the variables were of the standard types such as an n-dimensional array for example, and are const, then they cannot be modified inside the function. Hence, the trick is to create a struct Array4, for the variables, and overload the parantheses operator () as in Array4.H. This allows values of these Array4 variables to be modified inside the function. Notice how the variables are accessed in a fortran style - vel(i,j,k). A class MultiFab is defined in MultiFab.H, with a member function array that returns an Array4 object on invoking. The class uses cudaMallocManaged or malloc to allocate the variables based on if we use GPU or CPU respectively. cudaMallocManaged allocates the variable in the managed (unified) memory which is accessible by both the host (CPU) and the device (GPU), hence preventing the need to create variables on the device and explicitly copying the variables from the host to the device (as opposed to cudaMalloc which allocates variables only on the device). This approach is an easy start to GPU-enable codes already written for CPU with MPI and OpenMP. The use of unified memory makes CUDA-aware MPI possible. One MPI rank offloading work to one GPU is a good start to GPU-enabling already written codes.
Hence, the other change that will be needed to GPU-enable an existing CPU code is to define the variables using the class and struct as described above as

MultiFab velfab(nx, ny, nz);
auto vel = velfab.array();

Explanation of the GPU kernel launch

NVIDIA page for introduction to CUDA is a very good read.
Kernels are functions that are launched on the GPU device. CUDA kernel launches are asynchronous (i.e. non-blocking). ParallelForGPU.H contains the implementation of the templated ParallelFor function for GPU using CUDA. It calls a macro - LAUNCH_KERNEL which launches the kernel with a specified number of threads, and the number of blocks being automatically determined, and with stream and shared memory (optionally). A grid-stride loop is used so that cases with the data array size exceeding the total number of threads (which is equal to the stride inside the for-loop, equal to numThreadsPerBlock (i.e. blockDim.x) x numThreadsPerBlock (i.e. gridDim.x)) are automatically handled, and this results in a flexible kernel. The function launched by the kernel looks as below and call_f will call the function which does the computation inside the nested for-loops - test_function in this case. The templated function ParallelFor launches the kernel

template<class L>
void ParallelFor(int nx, int ny, int nz, L &&f){
        std::cout << "Launching kernel " << "\n";
        int len_xy = nx*ny;
        int len_x = nx;
        int ncells = nx*ny*nz;
        int numBlocks = (std::max(ncells,1) + GPU_MAX_THREADS - 1 )/GPU_MAX_THREADS;
        int numThreads = GPU_MAX_THREADS;
        std::cout << "Launching " << numBlocks << " blocks " << "\n";
        LAUNCH_KERNEL(GPU_MAX_THREADS, numBlocks, numThreads, 0,
            [=] DEVICE () noexcept{
            for(int icell = blockDim.x*blockIdx.x+threadIdx.x, stride = blockDim.x*gridDim.x;
            icell < nx*ny*nz; icell += stride){
                int k = icell/len_xy;
                int j = (icell - k*len_xy)/len_x;
                int i = (icell - k*len_xy - j*len_x);
                call_f(f, i, j, k);

A one-dimensional layout of the threads is used and the i, j, k indices are determined using the oned_index (icell in the code above) = nx ny x k + j x nx + i. GPU_MAX_THREADS is the maximum number of threads per block, and that is fixed to be 512 (The limits for CUDA 2.0+ for threads per block is 1024 and blocks per grid is 65536). In the above example, GPU_MAX_THREADS is the number of threads launched per block.

Determining the number of blocks

The line in the code that determines the number of blocks is

int numBlocks = (std::max(ncells,1) + GPU_MAX_THREADS - 1 )/GPU_MAX_THREADS;

In this example, we use GPU_MAX_THREADS=512, and hence the number of threads per block is 512, and ncells=nx ny nz is the size of the data that is offloaded onto the device. Hence, if we have 1<=ncells<=512, we need only 1 block. If ncells=513, then we need 2 blocks - 512 threads in one block and 1 thread in the next (not an efficient usage, just an example). This is what the above line of code does.