
key error sed families

Closed this issue · 1 comments

when I am running the python code example '' I get and error KeyError: 'sed_families' with a version of pandexo recently downloaded. The same happens when using the interface.

When running the interface or the installed version using my own spectra and python code I get the same error if I am choosing the JWST MIRI mode. If I choose the NIRCam instrument, an error occurs concerning the bots files.

Thank you for looking into this.

Hi @leojola!

I believe this is related to your pandeia version. Most likely, if you do:

import pandeia.engine

You would see this outputs a number below 1.6, which is what is required by the current version of PandExo. I would suggest you do:

pip install pandeia.engine==1.6 --upgrade

To install Pandeia v.1.6, and try again. Let us know if this works!
