
Tasha-Bulleting is a web application that will help users list and preview news articles from various sources. It is a web application that is meant to catch up hard workers on current affairs happening all over the world.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Tasha Bulleting



Tasha Bulleting is a web application that will help users list and preview news articles from various sources. It is a web application that is meant to catch up hard workers on current affairs happening all over the world.


  • The home page allows users to see various news sources sorted based on categories and select their preference.
  • Once selected, a list of all articles for that news source with image description and time of posting article is shown.
  • User can click on an article and read it fully from the news source.
  • Users can additionally click top headlines to see top headline articles.
  • Users can also search for specific articles.

Technologies Used

- Python 3.6
- Flask Framework
- HTML, CSS and Bootstrap
- JavaScript

Set-up and Installation

1. Clone or download the Repo
2. Create a virtual environment
3. Read the specs and requirements files and Install all the requirements.
4. Edit the start.sh file with your api key from the news.org website   
6. Run chmod a+x start.py
7. Run ./start.py
8. Access the application through `localhost:5000`

Contact Information

heroku run python3 manage.py server