ShinyProxy Docker files

This repository contains the Dockerfiles of the official Docker images of the ShinyProxy project. This allows you to inspect how our images are build and to build your own image. However, note that in most cases there is no need to build your own images.

(c) Copyright Open Analytics NV, 2020-2021 - Apache License 2.0


The Dockerfile for ShinyProxy can be found in the ShinyProxy directory. The same Dockerfile is used for building development, snapshot and production images.

Locally building a development release

This section describes how to build a Dockerfile of ShinyProxy using a local JAR file of ShinyProxy.

  1. build ContainerProxy + ShinyProxy

    git clone -b develop ContainerProxy
    git clone -b develop ShinyProxy
    pushd ContainerProxy
    mvn package install  -DskipTests
    pushd ShinyProxy
    mvn -U clean package install  -DskipTests
  2. copy the JAR to the location of this repository

    git clone docker
    cd docker/ShinyProxy
    cp ../../ShinyProxy/target/shinyproxy*.jar .
  3. build the docker image

    docker build -t shinyproxy-dev --build-arg JAR_LOCATION=shinyproxy-*.jar .

Building latest snapshot version

You can also build a Docker image of ShinyProxy using the official snapshot builds of ShinyProxy. In that case Docker downloads the required JAR file from our Neuxs server. The version information contained in the JAR file always ends with -SNAPSHOT. Official builds of this image are available at Docker Hub.

git clone docker
cd docker/ShinyProxy
docker build --build-arg NEXUS_REPOSITORY=snapshots -t shinyproxy-snapshot .

Building latest release version

Finally, you can build a Docker image of ShinyProxy using the official release versions of ShinyProxy. Similar to the snapshot version, Docker downloads the required JAR file from our Neuxs server. The version information contained in the JAR file does not have a suffix, indicating a release build. Official builds of this image are available at Docker Hub.

git clone docker
cd docker/ShinyProxy
docker build --build-arg NEXUS_REPOSITORY=releases -t shinyproxy .

The JAR file will be downloaded from our Neuxs server.

ShinyProxy Operator

The Dockerfile for ShinyProxy Operator can be found in the Operator directory. This Docker image is very similar to that of ShinyProxy itself. Again, the same Dockerfile is used for building development, snapshot and production images.

Locally building a development release

This section describes how to build a Dockerfile of ShinyProxy using a local JAR file of the Operator.

  1. build the Operator

    git clone -b develop shinyproxy-operator
    cd shinyproxy-operator
    mvn package install -DskipTests
  2. copy the JAR to the location of this repository

    git clone docker
    cd docker/Operator
    cp ../../shinyproxy-operator/target/shinyproxy-operator-jar-with-dependencies.jar .
  3. build the docker image

    docker build -t shinyproxy-operator-dev --build-arg JAR_LOCATION=shinyproxy-operator-jar-with-dependencies.jar .

Building latest snapshot version

You can also build a Docker image of the operator using the official snapshot builds of the operator. In that case Docker downloads the required JAR file from our Neuxs server. The version information contained in the JAR file always ends with -SNAPSHOT. Official builds of this image are available at Docker Hub.

git clone docker
cd docker/Operator
docker build --build-arg NEXUS_REPOSITORY=snapshots -t shinyproxy-operator-snapshot .

Building latest release version

We did not yet release a production release of the Operator. Thus there is also no Docker image of it yet.

Using the Docker Image