
Smart package for x-editable in place editor

Primary LanguageJavaScript


The x-editable in-place editor with Twitter Bootstrap, repackaged for Meteor.


meteor add natestrauser:x-editable-bootstrap

NOTE: The latest branch uses the Bootstrap 3 build of x-editable. If you are still using Bootstrap 2 and on Meteor 0.8.3 or earlier, install v1.4.6.3 using Meteorite instead of the latest.

textarea example


<p id="textArea" class="editable" data-type="textarea" data-placeholder="Enter text" data-emptytext="Click to enter text" data-rows="4">{{textAreaContent}}</p>

rendered callback

The short answer:

  success: function(response, newValue) {
    <do something with newValue - usually a collection.update call>

The long answer: trying to use x-editable properly on Meteor 0.8 with reactive updates can get interesting. If there is a lot of concurrency in your editing, you will want to consult the information and links in this StackOverflow post.

version history


  • Updated to use BS3 build of x-editable 1.5.1.

  • Added example and updated readme to reflect operation under meteor 0.8.0+ (syntax is more simple with blaze)