Boost ISO Implementation
Nathaniel Trojian (njt9982) Siddharth Subramanian (ss6813)
Advisor : Carlos R Rivero
This project is an implementation of the Boost ISO algorithm based on the paper "Exploiting vertex relationships in speeding up subgraph isomorphism over large graphs" by Ren X. and Wang J. The project requires Java 8 and neo4j 2.0+
The project uses datasets which can be obtained from the following links
* WordNet -
* Human, Yeast - GraphQL Homework
There are two java files :
* This file loads the above datasets into the neo4j database. You can run the program by first compiling it using the following command : javac
* Run this file with the desired path to a new Neo4j database:
command : java Neo4jLoader path
* Then run this file against the dataset of our choice by using the following commands :
Human, Yeast dataset -
path_to_file igraph
WordNet dataset -
path_to_file net
* To exit the program :
command : exit
* This file implements the Boost ISO algorithm on the above datasets. You can run the program by first compiling it using the following command : javac
* We can then run this file against the database of our choice by using the following commands :
java BoostIso path_to_database
* Available commands :
build label - Builds adapted hypergraph from nodes with label
search query_graph_label target_graph_label - Performs all 6 search algorithms on hypergraphs using pattern graph with label query_graph_label on target graph with label target_graph_label
* ProjectLoader
This file specifies the usage of each of the datasets for the loader program.