A simple project using ShimmerCat and Django
We recomend to use a python virtual environment to keep the project dependencies there:
$ virtualenv venv
Now you have created the virtualenv, let's activate it:
$ source venv/bin/activate
Once done that let's clone the respository, and set it up to have the project ready to use:
$ git clone git@github.com:shimmercat/django_example_code.git
$ cd django_example_code
Installing project dependencies:
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
Let's then run the migrations:
$ python django_api/managey.py migrate --noinput
Now you can run the Django
$ python django_api/managey.py runserver 8080
is now ready to use.
Now you just need to open a new command line tab, and run the project with ShimmerCat
$ cd /to/where/devlove.yaml/file/is/
$ shimmercat devlove
Now we should open Chrome
with sc-tool
sc-tool chrome
Go to Chrome
, and reach the site under https://www.httpdos.com, and play with it.