
Working with databases — storing, retrieving, updating and deleting information — is an important software developer talent. Create a web application for searching, adding and updating items in a lending library, using JavaScript, Node.js, Express, and an Sqlite Database.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Treehouse Fullstack JavaScript - Project 10: Build a Library Manager

Working with databases — storing, retrieving, updating and deleting information — is an important software developer talent. Create a web application for searching, adding and updating items in a lending library, using JavaScript, Node.js, Express, and an Sqlite Database.


- clone git repository
- run: ` npm install `
- if needed manually install sqlite3 with: ` npm install sqlite3 `
- running the DB initialize scripts:
    - (UNIX/LINUX) run: ` npm run unix:init:db ` to create the DB tables and seed the sample data to it on an UNIX type system
    - (WINDOWS) run: ` npm run win:init:db ` to create the DB tables and seed the sample data to it on a WINDOWS machine

TODO & Open Issues:

Open Issues:

  • Return Book: with empty value/string get's saved to the DB?
  • Create New Book: first_published is optional - but returns an error?
  • Create New Loan: loaned_on & return_by are required - don't return an error


  • Write comments :)
  • Create an Error Template if an Error Page error occurs
  • Optimize searchBuilder module - convert to a query builder which builds the whole query based on type and search input
  • Maximize async / await useage