
Mezzanine-based project for getmediathread.com

Primary LanguagePython


Mezzanine-based project for getmediathread.com

Instructions for setting up getmediathread.com:

$ pip install -r requirements.txt

How this was made

To make this custom theme, we purchased the AppStrap bootstrap theme from wrapbootstrap.com. For $12, it's a steal!

Make a directory structure to hold the theme customizations:

|__ theme/
        |__ __init__.py
        |__ static/
        |__ templates/

Now run the collecttemplates command to get all the templates from Mezzanine copied to the templates directory:

$ python manage.py collecttemplates
Copied 43 templates

Now copy the base.html and index.html into your app's template directory:

$ cp templates/base.html apps/theme/templates/
$ cp templates/index.html apps/theme/templates/

Now copy the appstrap homepage template that you want to use into your app's template directory:

$ cp /path/to/appstrap/fixed-header.htm apps/theme/templates/

Now copy the static assets, based on what you see appearing as 404s in the Chrome inspector:

$ cp /path/to/appstrap/css/theme-style.css apps/theme/static/css/
$ cp /path/to/appstrap/css/custom-style.css apps/theme/static/css/
$ cp /path/to/appstrap/js/script.js apps/theme/static/js/
$ cp /path/to/appstrap/js/jquery.flexslider-min.js apps/theme/static/js/
$ cp /path/to/appstrap/js/jquery.quicksand.js apps/theme/static/js/
$ cp /path/to/appstrap/img/features/* apps/theme/static/img/features/
$ cp /path/to/appstrap/img/bg* apps/theme/static/img/

Now we need to override the dropdown.html menu, so we must copy the Mezzanine one into our custom templates dir, preserving the same folder structure:

$ cp templates/pages/menus/dropdown.html apps/theme/templates/pages/menus/
$ cp templates/pages/menus/tree.html apps/theme/templates/pages/menus/