

Primary LanguagePython


This recipe is based on collective.recipe.plonesite. It provides recipes for creating and updating Plone sites, running scripts against Plone sites and for setting their properties. If you use zeoserver, all the recipes will start and stop zeo appropriately (not stopping it if it wasnt the process that started it, for example). When combined with isotoma.recipe.zope2instance it can properly deal with errors, ending the buildout run rather than continuing and succeeding.

Managing plone sites

This recipe enables you to create and update a Plone site as part of a buildout run. This recipe only aims to run profiles and Quickinstall products. It is assumed that the install methods, setuphandlers, upgrade steps, and other recipes will handle the rest of the work.

To use it, add something like this to your recipe:

recipe = isotoma.recipe.plonetools:site
products =


[1](1, 2) Profiles have the following format: <package_name>:<profile> (e.g. my.package:default). The profile can also be prepended with the profile- if you so choose (e.g. profile-my.package:default).
[2](1, 2) The product name is typically not the package name such as Products.MyProduct, but just the product name MyProduct. Quickest way to find out the name that is expected is to 'inspect' the Quickinstaller page and see what value it is passing in.
The id of the Plone site that the script will create. This will also be used to update the site once created. Default: Plone
The id of an admin user that will be used as the 'Manager'. Default: admin
A list of products to quickinstall just after initial site creation. See above for information about the product name format [2].
A list of GenericSetup profiles to run just after initial site creation. See above for informaion on the expected profile id format [1].
A list of products to quickinstall each time buildout is run. See above for information about the product name format [2].
A list of GenericSetup profiles to run each time buildout is run. See above for informaion on the expected profile id format [1].
The name of the instance that will run the script. Default: instance
The name of the zeoserver part that should be used. This is only required if you are using a zope/zeo setup. Default: not set
A system command to execute before installing Plone. Optional. You could use this to start a Supervisor daemon to launch ZEO, instead of launching ZEO directly. You can use this option in place of the zeoserver option.
A system command to execute after installing Plone. Optional.
Replace any existing plone site named site-id. Default: false

Option to start up the instance/zeoserver. Default: true. This can be a useful option from the command line if you do not want to start up Zope, but still want to run the complete buildout.

$ bin/buildout -Nv plonesite:enabled=false

An absolute path to a file with python code that will be evaluated before running Quickinstaller and GenericSetup profiles. Multiple files can be given. Two variables will be available to you. The app variable is the zope root. The portal variable is the plone site as defined by the site-id option. NOTE: file path cannot contain spaces. Default: not set
An absolute path to a file with python code that will be evaluated after running Quickinstaller and GenericSetup profiles. Multiple files can be given. Two variables will be available to you. The app variable is the zope root. The portal variable is the plone site as defined by the site-id option. NOTE: file path cannot contain spaces. Default: not set
The name of a part that provides propert name value mappings.

Setting properties

You can set properties on your plone site object from buildout:

somestring = some string
somebool = True
somelist =

recipe = isotoma.recipe.plonetools:site
properties = portal-properties

Properties set in this way are set at the same time as the Plone Site object is updated, during the same zope instance invocation so is more efficient than using a seperate recipe.

Calling Setters On Plone Objects

As a last resort you can call setters directly from buildout. This is meant for things like CacheSetup where your cached domains might vary between environments.

Just add:

some.object.setFoo = True
some.object.setList =
some.other.object.setBar = some string

recipe = isotoma.recipe.plonetools:site
mutators = mutators

Again, these are set at the same time as the portal properties are applied and as GenericSetup is run - no extra zope invocations are required.

The migration script

If you have a plonesite:site stanza in your buildout you will get a plonesite script in your bin directory.

Running this script with no arguments will apply run the same processes that run during buildout.

Running the script with the -r argument will cause it to rebuild the site, deleting your Plone site object and recreating it. Great for sandboxes that reset nightly.

Creating wrapper scripts

This recipe lets you create a script in your buildouts bin-directory to run a script for you under the correct zope instance.

If you have a script in mypackage.myscript:

def run():
    print "This is my test script

then add something like this to your recipe:

recipe = isotoma.recipe.zope2instance
otherprops = here

recipe = isotoma.recipe.plonetools:wrapper
instance = instance
entry-points =

Mandatory parameters

These are like the entry-points used in setuptools, in the form of wrappername=your.product.module:function

Optional parameters

The name of a zope2instance part that is used to run the script. Default: instance.
Some arguments to be passed to the entry points, as python. Default: app