
Plone 4.2 on OpenShift

Primary LanguagePython

Plone on OpenShift!

Plone is a free and open source content management system built on top of the Zope application server. In principle, Plone can be used for any kind of website, including blogs, internet sites, webshops and internal websites. It is also well positioned to be used as a document publishing system and groupware collaboration tool. The strengths of Plone are its flexible and adaptable workflow, very good security, extensibility, high usability and flexibility.

Visit http://plone.org to learn more

Running on OpenShift

Create an account at http://openshift.redhat.com/

Create a DIY application:

rhc app create -a plone -t diy-0.1

Add this upstream Plone repo:

cd plone
git remote add upstream -m master git@github.com:natea/plone-openshift-quickstart.git
git pull -s recursive -X theirs upstream master

Then push the repo to OpenShift (this will take quite a while to finish):

git push

Thats it, you now can check out your application at:



Default login

Default admin login is admin:OpenShiftAdmin. Remember to change it here: http://plone-$yournamespace.rhcloud.com/acl_users/manage_main.

Virtual hosting

You may have multiple Plone sites per deployment and you may assign a domain to each of the sites. To setup virtual hosting for your Plone site, first, add an alias:

rhc app add-alias -a plone --alias www.example.com

Afterwards, add www.example.com/plonesiteid into http://plone-$yournamespace.rhcloud.com/virtual_hosting/manage_edit

Careful that you might get locked out and unable to access the Zope root interface if you added plone-$yournamespace.rhcloud.com domain mapping in the virtual hosting. If you somehow got yourself locked out, do this:

rhc-port-forward -a plone

You should see an output that is somewhat like this:

Checking available ports...

Binding python -> $internalipaddress:8080...

Use ctl + c to stop

Take note the IP and port number there and access http://$internalipaddress:8080. You should be able to access the Zope root there. Take care not to add $internalipaddress into the virtual hosting settings.