
This is a generic REST API that interfaces with a PiFace board attached to a RaspberryPi.

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This is a generic REST API that interfaces with a PiFace board attached to a RaspberryPi.


  • Raspberry PI and PiFace module.


  1. git clone https://github.com/natefanaro/piface_rest.git
  2. cd piface_rest
  3. curl -sS https://getcomposer.org/installer | php
  4. php composer.phar install
  5. Point apache to piface_rest/public_html
  • Make sure apache allows .htaccess files

API Endpoints

Obtaining state

  • GET /input/
  • GET /led/
  • GET /output/
  • GET /relay/
  • GET /switch/

Returns the status of all devices in that category. The response object contains an indexed array. That is pin => state.


curl http://raspberrypi.local/api/output


  • GET /input/:input
  • GET /led/:led
  • GET /output/:output
  • GET /relay/:relay
  • GET /switch/:switch

Returns the status of one device. The response object contains the value of the device (either 0 or 1).


curl http://raspberrypi.local/api/output/1


Setting state

  • GET /led/:led/:value
  • GET /output/:output/:value
  • GET /relay/:relay/:value

Sets the value of one device. Value can either be 0 or 1, The response object contains the new value of the device.


curl http://raspberrypi.local/api/output/1/0



  • GET /led/test/

Blinks the leds on and off in a pattern.

Status codes

Status codes mirror http status codes.

200 Success


404 Unknown endpoint. This could mean a bad path or you accessed a device that does not exist. (ie: led 40)

{"status":"404","message":"Route not found"}

500 Exception or other error. The code and message are returned.

{"status":"500","exception":{"code":8,"message":"Undefined offset: -1"}}