
a college platform

Primary LanguagePython


The College Life is an all-in-one app that you need for your college. We provide course reviews, professor reviews and many more.

For now, we only have the following functionalities:

  • Login/Logout
  • Course Review
  • Professor Review


To run this app, you will need the following softwares:


  • Check that you have python
    python --version

  • Check that you have Django
    django-admin --version

  1. Clone our repository into your machine
  2. Create env.sh shell script and fill it with your credentials and run the shell script
    export EMAIL=""
    export PASSWORD=""
    export SECRET_KEY=""
    export DB_HOST=""
    export DB_NAME="test_db"
    export DB_USER="root"
    export DB_PASSWORD="root"
  3. In your terminal, run docker compose
    docker compose up -d
  4. Go into college_living folder
  5. Install requirements packages
    pip install -r requirements.txt
  6. Migrate model into database
    python manage.py migrate
  7. Load initial data
    python manage.py loadata colleges/fixtures/*.json
  8. Start server
    python manage.py runserver
  9. Go to and start exploring!

If you want to add a review to the professors, then go to the following url, because we don't have the mapping yet

What's inside?

The application is separated into separate modularized 'apps'.

User app

This app handles all the user authentication pieces such as login, signup, and more. \

College app

This app handles all-college related things such as colleges, professors, dorms, and more. \


Database Schema

The database schema

Requirements Specifications

User Permissions, Admin Ideas and Stories