
F Prime flight software tutorial at the CubeSat Developers Workshop

Primary LanguageC++

led-blinker F' project

This project follows the LED Blinker tutorial. During the 2024 CubeSat Developer Workshop we built this tutorial and then deployed to an Arm based ODRIOD. The existing cross-complilation tutorial for F Prime describes how to compile an Arm binary for x86 Windows, Linux, and MacOS machines but does not yet describe a process for "Apple Silicon" (arm64) based MacOS users.

This repository contains a Dockerfile that can build linux arm and arm64 binaries. The Dockerfile will build on any Windows, Mac, or Linux host machine with either an x86 or arm (Apple Silicon) processor.

Getting started

Dependencies first

  1. Clone the repo
  2. Pull the fprime submodule git submodule update --init --recursive
  3. Create a python venv python3 -m venv fprime-venv
  4. Activate the venv . fprime-venv/bin/activate
  5. Install required packages pip install -r fprime/requirements.txt

Building the linux/arm or linux/arm64 binary

  1. Run docker build --platform=linux/arm64 --output=build-artifacts-docker .

You can now SCP the binary over to your linux/arm machine and run it:

$ scp -r build-artifacts-docker/Linux/LedBlinker/bin/LedBlinker ngay@arm-testbed.local:~
$ ssh ngay@arm-testbed.local
ngay@arm-testbed:~# sudo ./LedBlinker
EVENT: (1280) (2:1722300778,53836) DIAGNOSTIC: (cmdDisp) OpCodeRegistered : Opcode 0x500 registered to port 0 slot 0

Building and running the GDS on the host machine

  1. Run fprime-generate
  2. Run fprime-build

You can now run the GDS:

$ fprime-gds -n --dictionary build-artifacts/Darwin/LedBlinker/dict/LedBlinkerTopologyAppDictionary.xml --ip-client --ip-address
[INFO] Ensuring TCP Server is stable for at least 5 seconds

Using this in your own project

  1. Copy the Dockerfile and .dockerignore files from this repo to the root of your F' project
  2. Run docker build --platform=linux/arm64 --output=build-artifacts-docker .